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Zanarkand, the city of lights. You had heard so many things about it from history books. That Zanarkand was the one that started the war with the Gaia Continent. You had your doubts as you watched the city below you fly by. Even by looking at Zaon. If they had been the one who started the war then everything healed quickly for them.

You didn't want to ask Zaon if it had been Zanarkand, he was already helping you find your father's friend that way you weren't stumbling around the city by yourself. You were leaning on the railing, [colour] hair flying in the wind while your [colour] eyes twinkled the reflection of the lights. Your father's red jacket was tied around your waist, distressed army fatigue pants were stuffed inside of scuffed up boots. Your upper half was a short sleeve muscle shirt. You were luckily wearing a bra before all of this happened.

Zaon's steely gray eyes watched you from the side of the sky-cart. He had only seen pictures of Auron and heard stories from both Jecht and his father. A Hero to everyone else and the Enemy of the Others. In Spira he was hated even in his home city in the south. But here in Zanarkand, he was a Hero. What everyone inspired to become a person of great strength and courage.

Here you were, Auron's daughter and following in his footsteps even if it was intentional. He smiled briefly watching as you leaned over slightly to look at something as the cart flew by. You were home, even if it meant that something darker was coming.

Zaon's smile fell, he was sensitive to The Lifestream since he was a young child. Zanarkand flourished above multiple wells and there were a handful of adults and children who were sensitive. Something was coming right behind you even if The Lifestream was holding it back. The Zanarkand springs were stronger than ever, he hadn't expected it until he heard a whisper that he had to find you.

"This place is amazing," You murmured softly as the world went by. Glancing to your left the smell of salt air hit you, the ocean was coming closer than before. "Radiant Garden is isn't even 1/4th of what this place is." It wasn't, yet you could see that the city was on it's way to being just that.

You frowned as a distant look fell over your face. "Zanarkand wasn't involved.. Were they?" You looked to Zaon who was frowning slightly.

"Involved?" He echoed your question as you stood up straighter and looked at him with narrowed eyes.
"Four Spirain Airships came to the Hearts Continent and attacked Port Royale, Twilight Town, Traverse Town and Radiant Garden!" You raised your voice slightly. "Was Zanarkand involved?!"

Zaon sighed and ran his fingers through his short tufted hair, it was a silvery-blond. "Bevelle is the the capital of the country. It's where all military recruits report to and where the center of our government lies. Zanarkand is a rivaling city to Bevelle, both in size and in influence." He began to explain. "My father was from Zanarkand but was a military Commander in Bevelle." His gaze watched your expression change from anger to anguish.

"I know Zanarkand was blamed for the first war but we have no say. A lot of soldiers in that war were from here so I can see how we were blamed. After the war a lot of Zanarkand personel left the military and since then we've stayed here. We have a 'military', we don't trust Bevelle as much as it trusts us."

Guilt began to chew at your insides listening to Zaon. You felt terrible for automatically assuming such. Alas it did make sense if a lot of soldiers in that war were from Zanarkand and thus were blamed. "My father wasn't from Zanarkand was he?"

Zaon shrugged his shoulders. "I don't think so, I think he was from Bevelle actually. He met my father and Jecht in the military before changing sides."

You raised a brow, never did you hear that your father had changed sides in the War. Or maybe he was in the Spirain military but then left... maybe because he met your mother?

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