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Cissnei was a simple woman, growing up with a mother and a father and their only child. Her uncle fought in the war when she was just born and hadn't survived it. Cissnei still remembers the day when everyone would celebrate the day the three continent treaty was signed and the war ended. Her uncle had passed away relatively early on, but she does remember one particular day.

The first day that she had saw [Name] and Denzel [Surname].

Both her mother and father had gone over to their house in Hollow Bastion, there were so many people there that day. Word came in that the war ended and there was a single man that made it possible. Their father.

She remembers a beautiful blonde-white haired woman distraught and sobbing in the living room while so many people gave their condolences and wishes to attempt to help the recent widow.

But there were two children sitting on the very top of a staircase, it wasn't until she was in her senior year did she realize that those children were the same teenagers that were a couple years younger than herself.

A young boy with unruly and messy dark auburn-brown hair, sitting there with a handheld game, face contorted into that of concentration. One step above him was a young girl with [colour] hair, from a distance Cissnei could see the bags underneath her eyes.

Her face was as if she had seen a ghost, clutching a red coat over her body so tightly Cissnei thought at the time she would be swallowed by the fabric.

Now, a little over a decade later Cissnei was sitting beside the same once eight year old child who was now hogging a tub of ice cream instead of being swallowed by red fabric.

"How can do you... change? Transform?" Her voice was soft and hesitant, Cissnei feared of asking the wrong questions. She didn't want you to be afraid of her, she wouldn't tell anyone at the school about what you could do. It wouldn't be a good thing if administration found out too...

Moving the tub of ice cream out of the redhead's reach, you were surprised to find the two of you shared a similar taste for [flavour] ice cream. "Little over a year after my dad died," You became lost in thought for several moments then Cissnei decided it was time to remove the ice cream from your death hold. She had been the one who paid a small amount of gil for it.

"It was when Mom was home, one of the more rare occasions. Denzel and I were fighting over something, I couldn't remember what. The three of us were in the backyard when it happened, all I can remember was getting mad and for some reason I became Denzel. That was the first time I transformed into him. He found it amusing, saying that we were actually twins and my mother,"

She was horrified. You remembered that day vividly, she couldn't believe what had happened, immediately ushering the two of you back into the house and sat in the living room until you found a way to turn back into being you.

"... was unhappy about the entire thing. Denzel attempted it but didn't get a hold of it until two days later. She was upset, saying that she can't be doing that, especially in public. We practiced when she wasn't home, when we had the babysitter that would just smoke on our back patio and have friends over when she shouldn't have."

You were staring at the silver spoon in your hand, twisting it and twirling it around. You saw your reflection on the back of the spoon. [Colour] hair all messy and tired [colour] eyes, the one thing that screamed at you was the scar on the right half of your face. You still hadn't gotten used to the new feature yet.

"We nicknamed it a Mimic Ability. We can change into anyone we desire. We lose practical aspects of ourselves, like I lose my boobs when I become a guy and Denzel gains a pair."

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