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"So how exactly are we going to be doing this?" You finally managed to corner Denzel alone in order to speak with him about the upcoming departure to Traverse Town. You still felt crazy for deciding to do this, but why not? It was that one in a lifetime chance and there was no reason to wallow in self hatred once you came to realization that you wanted to actually go.

The auburn haired teenager had a scowl on his face, popping his elbow up onto the diner table and looked outside of the window. Once again your mother was working late and left both you and Denzel to your own devices. Neither one of you felt like touching anything else in the kitchen, remember the haphazard mistake of last month. Instead the two of you found yourselves in Hollow Bastion's own Famous Fair for dinner.

The lack of a response from your brother caused you to roll your eyes and to look over towards the little bar area where Xion was talking with the owner's son, Zach. There was a slight lift on the corner of your lips watching the two talk, Zach was two or three years older than Xion but you could obviously see the two of them having quite the thing for one another. You chuckled softly at the thought of little Zach and Xion Fairs running around the place. Maybe they'd name one Zack.

"Mum's going to want you to be there, so I mean... well," Denzel's words began to leap over one another and run into each other until you finally gave him a look to just breathe before speaking. His eyes were duller than usual until they flashed a familiar [colour].

You became red in the face quickly before leaning in towards his face, your voice dropping a little bit. "You're going to be me?! You'll fucking ruin my reputation and grades!" You hissed low enough that way no one else would be able to hear the new subject. You stared at yourself through Denzel's new [colour] eyes and couldn't help but think of how much of a turn out this was becoming. There was absolutely no reason for this!

He gave you a look at that moment. "What else can we do? Somehow you need to leave and show up at the same time." The your slightly younger half groaned but perked up as his food was laid out in front of him, yours mirror his as your favorite late night breakfast dinner.

The remainder of the dinner goes by slowly and the only sound there is from the sounds of forks and knives clanging against the plate or the table. You aren't sure if Denzel's quiet because of planning or maybe something else. You know the reason for you being so quiet.

You were nervous, slightly afraid of what is to transpire. What would happen if your mother caught onto what was going on, if Denzel slipped up or something? You frowned and pushed your food around, suddenly feeling slightly sick to your stomach. You smiled a little and looked up at your brother. "Hey, 'Zel."

Nervously did he glance up.

"Imagine what's going to happen, for ya know." You chuckled slightly and winked towards him. It took a few minutes for the boy to process what you were suggesting, his cheeks became a dusted pastel pink. All of a sudden his body began to shiver and shuddering until he bursted out laughing, holding his skies and trying to hide his outburst.

"Gods, [Name]! What are you going to tell them, that it's for nosebleeds?!" There was a low feeling in the pit of your stomach as you watched your brother laugh and grin happily. You wondered if this would be the last time you'd be able to see that look on his face. You were reading up on what it took to become a SOLDIER and then the process after the fact.

You stared at yourself for a couple of silent moments in the bathroom at the Hollow Bastion train station. Soaking up every single detail that lined your face, from the way the dark [colour] eyelashes curled upwards that gently skimmed by your eyebrows. The slight crack in your lips from how you've been chewing on them for the past twenty four hours.

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