Chapter Two

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 Thomas's alarm clock awoke him the next morning at 6:15 and he felt quite drowsy. It took him ages to fall asleep last night because he couldn't shake Newt out of his mind. Thomas knew there was something special about him, but he couldn't figure out what it could be. Sighing, he got dressed and ran downstairs to prepare a bowl of cereal and as he carried his bowl over to the table, a small piece of note paper on the side of the fridge came to his attention. As he moved a little closer, he saw that it was a note scribbled in his mother's handwriting.


 I went to work early today, but I hope you have a wonderful day at school! Your father left late last night to go on a business trip, so just make sure you arrive at your bus stop on time for once!



P.S- Don't you dare skip school again, you know very well that the school emails me whenever you are absent!

 Thomas rolled his eyes as he read the note, but he still felt grateful that his mom was looking out for him. Skipping school was always fun but it didn't sound as appealing as usual since there was always the possibility of meeting Newt at school, even though he was only supposed to tutor Thomas every Tuesday and Thursday, but today was Wednesday so he would have to wait another day for that.

 As soon as he was ready for school, Thomas sprinted over to his bus stop, but he was too late. The yellow school bus was just disappearing along the nearest street, squealing as it went.

 "Fuck," the brunette cursed. He would have to jog to school today, which you wouldn't think he would mind, except the fact that his high school was two miles away.

 After seemingly nonstop jogging, Thomas finally reached his destination and was relieved to see students still filing into the main entrance of the school. He could make out Minho chatting enthusiastically to his girlfriend Brenda, and quickly hurried up the steps to meet them.

 "Hey Thomas, how's your boyfriend doing?" Minho demanded, once he saw his friend panting and running up the steps.

 "Min! He is not my boyfriend, he's just tutoring me in math ya big shuckface!"

 Minho cackled. "If you say so, but just remember that I've got eyes like a hawk, and I'm the one to turn to for romantic assistance."

 "Who is this guy that you fancy, anyway?" Brenda asked curiously. "I know most of the guys at this school and I could definitely tell you if he's into guys, considering I know him."

 Before Thomas could answer, a warm hand landed softly on his shoulder and he jumped up in shock as a breathy voice next to his ear said, "Hey Tommy, did you do the homework that you were assigned last night?" Speaking of the devil...

 Thomas felt a shiver down his spine, but not because it was chilly. "Yeah, as a matter of fact I did...Why? I thought you weren't going to tutor me on Wednesdays."

 Newt smirked. "Well, as a matter of fact your math teacher, Ms.Paige asked me to grade your homework for you after each of our lessons, so I just want to go ahead and grade it now. You know what they say, "There's no time like the present"."

 "Oh yeah, I've heard that quote before," Thomas mumbled. "Lemme just open my book bag for you..." After emptying out most of his binder, the brunette finally found what he'd been looking for. He quickly held his homework out to Newt, painfully aware of Minho staring him down, not quite unlike a hawk.

 "Thanks Tommy, see ya later." And with that Newt left with Thomas gazing after him, very much like he did the day before.

 Minho coughed and snapped his fingers in front of Thomas's face. "Well, I can see that you're practically drooling over him Thomas, even a slinthead could figure that out." Thomas ignored his friend's statement and was about to ask Brenda if she knew Newt when the school bell rudely interrupted him.

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