Chapter Eleven

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 "You're getting the hang of this!" exclaimed a blonde teen one afternoon in the school's library. "I'm so proud of you, Tommy!" Thomas had just re-learned how to do quadratic equestions, with the help of his boyfriend Newt.

 The brunette smiled as he put his math packet into his binder. "It's all thanks to you, really. You're a life saver."

 Newt smiled, but said nothing.

 "Hey Newt, I just realized that you're Mother Nature," stated Thomas.

 The blonde wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion. "What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?"

 Thomas smirked. "Isn't it obvious? You love wearing flower crowns, not to mention the fact that you love anything to do with plants. You'd be a perfect Mother Nature."

 The older boy turned pink. "Me?" he laughed.

 "Yes, you! Who else?!" 

 Newt was about to answer, when suddenly there was a rustle of fabric and Mrs. Barnhill, the librarian had come into view. "Boys, it's time to be leaving now," she said through clenched teeth.

 Thomas gulped and hurried away, motioning for Newt to follow. "Oh Thomas," said Mrs. Barnhill, with an evil smirk. "Don't forget your binder."

 "I'll get it," whispered Newt, as he went back to retrieve the binder, with the librarian's eyes burned into the back of his head. Once they had left the library, both boys fast-walked a couple yards before talking.

 "Why's she so shuckin' creepy?!" demanded Thomas once his boyfriend had given him his binder back. As he spoke he glanced worriedly over his shoulder to make sure that Mrs. Barnhill hadn't crept up behind them.

 "I have no shuckin' idea," said the blonde. "But she sure gives me the willies..."

 Thomas smirked. "What was that you said, Newt? I couldn't quite catch that."

 "I said that Mrs. Barnhill gives me the willies. Why?"

 "Yes, but you also used my slang," said Thomas, smiling widely, as if it was something to be proud of.

 Newt chuckled and shrugged. "Alright, I get it, I'm getting accustomed to your strange vocabulary. Big deal," he said, jokingly. Then, looking at his watch he said, "Bloody hell, you only have a couple minutes until the bell rings, you should go get your stuff pronto."

 "Aw, ok. See you later Mother Nature," Thomas said teasingly before lightly pecking Newt on the cheek and running off to his locker.

 The blonde smiled at the nickname and hurried over into the twelfth grade building to retrieve his bookbag.


7 hours earlier:

 Thomas sighed in satisfaction once he realized that he was one the first people in front of the school that morning. He smiled kindly once he saw a dark-skinned boy staring at him, but he didn't return the greeting. The teen was glaring at him as if he was a piece of klunk, but Thomas had no idea why. Curiosity taking over him, he decided to go see if he knew this guy who seemed to despise him so much.

 "Hello my name is Thomas, have I met you before?" he asked once he had reached the tree that the boy was sitting under.

 "No, but I know all about you."

 "Wait what?! Who are you?!"

 The grouchy teen rolled his eyes. "Name's Alby, I'm Newt's best bud."

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