Chapter Five

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 Newt's lips were soft and elegant, and as soon as the brunette pushed their lips together, he knew that he would never get enough of the blonde.

 At first Thomas regretted what he had done, for Newt didn't react at first.

 "I'm...I'm sorry...I didn't mea-" Thomas's words were silenced almost at once. Newt was now gently kissing him back and whimpering slightly.

 "Tommy..." Newt said as the brunette deepened the kiss.

 It was gentle and loving at first, but after a while Thomas wanted more. He lightly pushed Newt to the floor and started to kiss him hungrily. Newt held the brunette closer to his chest and was starting to nibble on Thomas's earlobe when there was an obnoxious knock on the door behind them.

 The blonde jumped in the air as fast as a bullet, blushing madly, and knocking Thomas over in the process. But there was no time to apologize, Chuck had opened the bedroom door and was standing awkwardly in front of them.

 "Mom wanted me to make sure that you were ok, Newt," said the curly haired boy.

 Newt stammered, "I'm-I'm fine now... Tommy cheered me up..." the blonde was still as bright as a tomato and he looked at everything other than the two boys in the room with him.

 After a moment, Chuck spoke again, "She also says you can have dessert if you feel better. We're having brownies and ice cream," and with that, the thirteen year old hurried away downstairs before either of them could respond.

 "Well uh, let's go downstairs," said Thomas, sweating nervously.

 Dessert was fairly awkward. No one spoke or looked at each other, other than the few times that Chuck glanced over at Thomas and Newt, knowingly. There were also a few embarrassing moments when Thomas would accidentally brush Newt's leg or arm.

 By the time they had finished eating their yummy ice cream and brownies, the doorbell rang and both boys were surprised that it was 11:00 already.

 Newt's mom had arrived, and Thomas didn't know whether to feel relieved or upset. What happened earlier had to mean that Newt liked him back, right? Unfortunately, his brother had screwed it all up, so he may never know until he went back to school.


 No more than an hour later, Thomas tried to fall asleep, but he couldn't get his blonde friend out of his mind. He kept re-experiencing all their moments together in his mind, the addicting kiss popping up the most often. Should he tell Newt that he enjoyed it? Or would that be too straight forward? Maybe he could ask him out? The brunette let out a humorless laugh at these ideas and he knew that there was only one person who could help him in this situation; Minho.


 After a seemingly short weekend, it was Monday once again and Thomas was very nervous. Questions raced through his head, most of them making him even more concerned. What if Newt didn't want to be friends with him anymore? What would happen if the blonde refused to continue tutoring him? He tried to shake these dreary thoughts from his head as he hurried into the entrance of the school where Minho was standing, scrolling through Tumblr on his iPhone.

 "Hey, Min!" the brunette yelled as he moved closer.

 "Oh hey, Thomas. How was the date with your boyfriend? Did you guys shuck yet?" the Asian asked, matter of factly.

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