Chapter Three

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 The next day when Thomas woke up, he smelled one of the best aromas ever, chocolate chip pancakes. Licking his lips, he rushed downstairs and nearly collided into his dad, who had just recently arrived back from his business trip.

 "Hey Thomas, how's school going for you? Your mother told me that you didn't skip school yesterday, even though you had the chance. What's up with that, and what did you do with Thomas?" his father asked, playfully.

 The brunette shrugged and replied, "Well I just decided that my education is more important than video games and television." Thomas hated lying to his dad, but he didn't want to tell him that one of the only reasons he wanted to go to school was because of a certain blonde boy.

 "Alright then, keep your secrets," mocked Thomas's father. "I'll knock the truth out of you at some point." His father chuckled and Thomas, who rather doubted that he would spill the beans, weakly smiled.

 A few moments later, Thomas followed the scent of the pancakes into the kitchen where his mom was humming happily and making the delicious hotcakes.

 "Smells great, Mom." Thomas said as he breathed in the delightful aroma of freshly made pancakes.

 "Tomkin! You're finally up! I was about to send your father upstairs to retrieve you." The brunette winced at the embarrassing nickname that his mom often called him when she was excited, but gave her a hug anyway.

 His mother continued speaking, "I was thinking of dropping you off at school today, is that ok with you? You told me you missed the bus again yesterday, and since I don't have to be at work until later, I was thinking that I could take you. How does that sound?"

 "Um...yeah, ok. I guess that'll be fine." the teen mumbled.

 "Are you ok, Thomas? You seem really out of it lately," his mom inquired, concerned.

 "Yeah, I'm fine. Just really tired." Thomas yawned for the full effect.

 However, his mom wasn't fooled by his response and she said, "Who is the lucky girl or boy?"

 Thomas gaped. "What? did you know?" He often wondered how his mom seemed to know everything and sense when he was lying, but this was just impressive.

 She smirked. "Well it's not very difficult to see, to be honest. Ever since Tuesday night you started acting a little suspicious and you have had this intriguing look in your eyes, that I can't really put into words. I am also pretty sure that's why you wanted to go to school yesterday, is it not? I know that I did similar things when I was your age."

 Thomas's ears burned bright scarlet and he tried not to look into his mother's inquiring eyes as he spoke. "Um...well there's this guy that is tutoring me in math class twice a week...and, um...I guess you can figure out the rest."

 "Awe, sweetie that's so adorable! You should totally invite him over sometime! I'd love to get to meet him. It's so kind of him to tutor you, he seems like just the type of guy for you!"

 "Mom! Please stop, you're just as bad as Minho and Brenda, which is saying something." Thomas couldn't believe his mom and he seriously doubted that Newt chose to tutor Thomas on purpose. Newt was probably asked by a teacher to tutor Thomas, probably because he was one of the smartest students in twelfth grade.

 "I insist you invite him over Tomkin! It would be very nice to have someone else other than Minho over for once, since he usually steals all the snacks whenever he comes over. So do you think you could invite this special friend of yours over tomorrow evening at 6:30? I can make you guys dinner and I'll let you boys watch movies, or whatever teenagers do these days."

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