Chapter Thirteen

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 It was finally Friday once again; Thomas's favorite day of the week. He had track practice, and well, who doesn't love Friday in general? He wondered how Newt's afternoon in the park with Alby went, but he couldn't help being slightly jealous of the older boy who cherishes the blonde just as much as he does. 

 The day dragged on, Thomas not seeing his boyfriend or Alby anywhere until he was walking with Minho to the track outside.

 "Tommy?" yelled the blonde beauty as he tried to catch up to his boyfriend.

 "Newt!" exclaimed Thomas as he turned around just in time for Newt to pull him in a gentle, warm hug. "How was Alby?"

 The question caused Newt's eyes to widen slightly, and he answered Thomas's question hesitantly. "Uh, he's fine... We didn't talk much though... I left bloody early anyways."

 Thomas, not wanting to intrude Newt, and not wanting Minho to be listening to his response, simply nodded and patted his boyfriend on the head. He then shifted to a different conversation topic. "So are you gonna stay here and watch me and Min run?"

 The blonde's face instantly broke into a warm smile, and he nodded. "Yes, I'd love to. I've pretty much gone to all of them anyways, but of course you wouldn't remember. I mean, every two weeks I mark the new track date in my calendar, so..."

 Thomas broke into laughter, currently unaware that Minho's sharp ears were listening to their little chat. "How are you so sweet?"

 Newt blushed and made a hand motion to Minho, who was looking at the couple as if they were going to make out at anytime.

 "Awe, why don't you two shuck already? stated the Asian matter-of-factly.

 Newt and Thomas sent a knowing look at eachother, both bright red.

 "Unless you already have?!" Minho said, sending out his signature shit eating grin at the dumbstruck couple.

 Fortunately, the trio arrived at the track, so Newt hurried away to the bleachers before things could get too awkward, making sure that his camera was still safely attached to his shoulder. Taking pictures are just one of his many passions, even if they were only for the school newspaper.

 Thomas, meanwhile, hurried over to the group of boys awaiting Minho's instructions, since his sassy friend was the coach after all.

 "Can I have your attention, shuckers?" called Minho rather loudly. "Today we are going to train harder, and faster than ever before-"

 "That's what she said," interrupted Ben, causing many of the other boys to laugh, including Thomas.

 Minho, however, didn't look too amused. "Ben, you'll have to do two extra warm up laps until I say otherwise."

 "But Minho!" protested the teen. "It was just a joke, I thought you'd laugh too!"

 The Asian smirked wickedly and dismissed Ben with a hand gesture. "Ok guys, let's all do one warm up lap, except Ben, he'll be doing three."

 Ben sent a glare at his coach, causing Minho to wink at him teasingly, before he took off with the brunette, the wind rushing past their ears. 

 "Why so harsh on Ben?" asked Thomas as the two boys continued jogging. "I thought you liked the that's what she said jokes." 

 "I do, I just think that people on our team need to be playing around less."

 "Pff, easy for you to say," said Thomas.

 "Anyway, so you've been intimate lately, haven't you?"

 The brunette almost choked on his own saliva. "W-what?"

 Minho smiled. "Don't keep secrets, Thomas, it's pointless, you knew I was going to find out about this at some point."

 "Blah, blah, blah," said Thomas as he tried to escape from the Asian's clutches. 

 "You gotta look good for your picture, Tommy!" said Minho as he pointed up at Newt, who was getting ready to take a photo of a small group of boys running together, not too far way from Minho and Thomas.

 The brunette's ears burned bright red. "Good point, I guess. But let's try to act like civilized people for once." 

 "Meh, that's not gonna happen anytime soon," protested Minho. "You gotta look good for Newtie, hehe."

 Thomas raised his right eyebrow, something that he had started doing ever since he met his boyfriend. Questioning each other's sanity was something that the two boys did quite often, and Thomas wondered what Newt would think of their bizzare relationship. 

 Once the two friends had finished their warm up lap, Thomas hurried over to his blonde sweetheart, who was wiping dirt off of his camera lense.

 "What are you doing there, cutie pie?" asked Thomas.

 Newt started in surprise, almost dropping his camera wipe. "Tommy! You bloody booger!"

 Thomas smirked. "Sorry, I just needed a break from Min, he's being embarrassing as klunk..."

 "Sorry, Tommy," said Newt. "I'd help, but in my defense I love watching you run. I wish my legs were as long as yours."

 "Hem hem," interrupted Minho, causing both Newt and Thomas to jump up in surprise. "Thomas, I'm afraid it's time to stop flirtin', and to start workin'."

 "Uh, bye Newt... See you in a bit..." mumbled the brunette as Minho pulled him away from a dumbstruck Newt.


 "Well that was a mighty fine work out, right Thomas?" asked Minho as he patted a sweaty Thomas on the back.

 "Don't you dare do that shit again," whined the brunette. Minho had made him do a couple extra miles just because the Asian wanted Newt to know that his boyfriend has good stamina, even though Thomas protested.

 "Oh come on, man. You know you like it when he watches you run," stated Minho. "You want him to think you've got them sexy legs."

 "Well I do..."

 Minho smirked knowingly. "See? What did I tell you?"

 "Well, I should get going, bye Min."

 "Ok, give lover boy a hug for me."

 "Tommy! Your running was bloody fantastic today!" exclaimed Newt a few moments later, making Thomas's heart beat just as fast as it did during his training. "I still find it funny that Minho got so fed up with Ben's that's what she said joke. Doesn't Ben do that a lot?"

 Thomas giggled. "Yeah, he does. Never gets old."

 "Tommy, can I kiss you?"

 The brunette smirked, his boyfriend looked gorgeous in the evening light, like a sunflower in bloom. "Of course-" 

 Soon enough, Newt's soft lips met his, kissing with a passion that Thomas very much admired. Thomas kissed him eagerly back, enjoying the brief moment of comfort. 

 "Can I walk you home?" asked the blonde once he hesitantly pulled away from Thomas's warm lips.

 "That would be great, thanks."

 And so the two boys walked together, in the perfect evening for a long stroll.

Author's Note:

 I'm so sorry that it's been so long since I've updated, I just wasn't sure how I should do this chapter! But I hope that it was decent. Another reason that the update took so long is because I started a Newtmas oneshot book, which I am pretty proud of so far. I would love it if you'd check that out, but you don't have to. ☺️

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