Chapter Twelve

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 Chuck stared at Thomas, opened mouthed. "Oh? Well this changes things, for sure."

 Thomas bit his lip, and nodded. "Yeah it's pretty awkward."

 "But how do you know he likes Newt?" asked the young boy. "Did he tell you or something?"

 "Yes... well kinda. I mean, it's pretty shuckin' obvious, but Alby told me not to tell Newt."

 Chuck rolled his eyes playfully. "Care to explain what the klunk happened?"

 The taller boy sighed dramatically. "I guess it wouldn't hurt..."


 "Well you're shucked for sure," stated Chuck once his brother had gone into detail of the morning's encounter with Alby, as well as his boyfriend.

 "Tell me about it," rasped Thomas. "I know I probably can't do anything about it, but still... I can understand why Alby's pissed off though."

"You could always ask Minho what he thinks about this?" suggested Chuck.

 Thomas raised his eyebrows. "Yeah, because I'm totally going to let Minho drama consume me. I just think that he shouldn't make a big deal over every little thing that happens to me."

 Chuck shrugged. "Well at least he cares about you, slinthead."

 Thomas grinned. "But still, if he doesn't know about this 'love triangle thing,' it'll be perfectly fine."

 Chuck scoffed. "You sound just like Oliver Queen."

 "Chuck, you have failed this city," said Thomas, in a pretty accurate attempt of the Green Arrow's voice.

 Thomas's brother tried to glare, but burst out laughing, giving his brother a chance to jab him on the hips, and scurry away.

 "Thomas!" shouted Chuck. "Come back, I still have more questions!"

 But the track runner had already vanished from sight, the spot where he was standing earlier contained no Thomas whatsoever. The teen knew that he should get his homework done, before he procrastinated, as he usually did. Cursing under his breath, he opened up his back pack, only to find an old candy wrapper and his phone, which shone with a few new notifications. Curious, he picked it up and read the following messages:

From Minho (2:23 PM): Yo shuckface, you left your binder in the middle of the hallway...

From Minho (2:57 PM): Hello?

From Minho (3:11 PM): Shuck this, I'm on my way now.

 Thomas smiled, and realized that Chuck was quite right about Minho caring about him. His heart quickened as he got two new texts, and this time it was Newt:

From Newt (3:14 PM): I would love to hang out today, but I should really make it up to Alby, is that ok? 

From Newt (3:14 PM): I'm going to meet him at the park, bye Tommy.

To Newt (3:15 PM): of course it's fine, sweetie 😘

From Newt (3:16 PM): ☺️❤️ I may be able to stop by later though, but I'm not quite sure.

To Newt (3:16 PM): awe shucks, that would be great but you don't have to.

From Newt (3:16 PM): Nah, I'd love to. I need to go now though, bye again.

To Newt (3:17 PM): bye...

 The brunette hated himself for feeling a sharp emotion of jealousy, just because Alby was chilling with Newt, and he wasn't. His boyfriend would never cheat on him, right? But what about Alby? I don't know him well enough, thought Thomas. But surely he wouldn't make a move... But he hates you, he'll want to get revenge by trying to steal Newt away... Thomas groaned, trying not to listen to his jumble of thoughts and emotions racing through his head. It was like they were trying to drive him slowly deranged.

 He suddenly jumped up in surprise, as his bedroom door suddenly burst wide open, allowing a smirking Asian teen to enter the room, carrying a satchel. Minho gave a light-hearted laugh once he realized that his friend was wiping beads of nervous sweat from his forehead. "Who did you think I was Thomas?" he demanded. "It's not like I'm your mother, accidently walking in on you masturbating to a girl. Well, a guy in this case, but..."

 Thomas's ears burned crimson. "Yeah, ok, whatever Min, I get it. You just had to make a dirty-minded joke, as usual."

 "Of course, what else is new?" Seeing Thomas's blank expression made Minho scoff and reach into his satchel. "Anyway, here's your binder. You really need to stop being so careless, ThomASS."

 "Shuck off, MeanHOE," stated Thomas, barely keeping a straight face.

 "So where is he?" Minho asked out of nowhere.

 "What do ya mean?"

 "Isn't your special friend here?"

 "Newt? Oh, he went to the park with one of his friends," stated Thomas, while shrugging.

 "Are you sure?..."

 "Yes, why?"

 "Something's a bit off here," said the Asian as he scanned Thomas's vibrant room. 

 "No, I don't thin-" started Thomas, before getting cut off by Minho.

 "You're brain is certainly in action, I can practically hear the little clock wheels spinning around. So tell me, what's going on?" stated Minho.

 "Ugh, you got me, as usual," complained Thomas. "I'm not even going to ask this time."

 "What did I tell you about keeping secrets? It's like your turning into Oliver Queen or something."

 "No! Chuck already gave me that pep talk, with DC Comics and everything."

 "Alright then, carry on," stated Minho as he characteristically grabbed a bag of popcorn from his satchel, and started munching contently.

 "I'll make this quick, since I took ages trying to explain this all to Chuck. But, basically Newt's friend, Alby mentioned that I was taking all his time with Newt away, and that he was jealous of how Newt talked about me around him a lot. Then I said I couldn't help falling for him, or something like that, and he said he felt the same way towards Newt."

 There was a silence as Minho sat on the floor, contemplating. "Well, that was unexpected for once."

 "I mean, I know mostly everyone has to go through something like this, but I can't help feeling a little jealous and angry at myself, you know?"

 "True. It might help if you try to get to know Alby, in order to show him you're not such a jerk after all. Who knows, it could work?" suggested Minho. "But I still need some time to think about this, and I may ask Brenda as well." 

 "Ok, yeah, that's fine. Maybe I can ask Teresa for advice too..."

 "Who's Teresa?" 

 "Oh, just a new friend I met at the pool. She seemed bitchy at first, but she helped Newt and I when- Nevermind."

 Minho raised his eyebrows. "Hmm, well ok then... Need any help with your math homework?"

 "Really?" exclaimed Thomas. "I thought you'd never help me!"

 "Well you understand the basics now, so it'll be easier to go over it with you."

 "Good that."

Author's Note:

 Sorry there wasn't much of Newt in this chapter, but I wanted Minho to be in the story more. I can guarantee that he'll be in the next chapter though. ☺️

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