Chapter Four

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 The next day, when Thomas woke up he was very excited. He had received Newt's phone number after tutoring yesterday and they had been up practically all night texting each other. Shielding his eyes from the burning sunlight, he scrolled through their recent texts, smiling as he did so.


 After an uneventful, boring day at school, Thomas finally arrived back home to find that both his parents were still at work. Smirking, he raided the pantry and found multiple bags of chips, which he emptied into a large bowl. He decided that since it was Friday and he was home alone, he should be allowed to do whatever he wanted. Before he had the chance to set up Netflix and watch one his favorite shows, Arrow, there was a repetitive pinging noise at the front door.

 "Can't he just use his shuckin' house key for once?" Thomas mumbled as he unwillingly got up and opened the door. Sure enough, it was his brother Chuck, who for some odd reason, was grinning mischievously.

 "Hey Thomas, I heard that you're bringing someone over later today. What's his name again?"

 "Chuck I swear, if you tease me again about Newt, I will tell Mom about your girlfriend."

 "Ugh fine, as long as you give me some of those," said Chuck as he pointed to the bowl of chips laying abandoned on the couch. "Ooh are you planning to watch Arrow? Can I watch?"

 Thomas chuckled and said, "Sure why not, Chucky."


 A few hours later, it was about time for Newt to come over and Thomas was very excited, not to mention a little nervous. Every few seconds, he glanced through his bedroom window, hoping to see his blonde friend, and jumping up in excitement every time a car drove by or a door opened. He sighed in exasperation whenever it turned out to be somebody else, and mentally laughed at himself for being so impatient. As he was making sure that his hair and outfit looked reasonable, (a black and red checkered shirt with black skinny jeans, that his mom picked out) he heard a British accent talking to someone outside. The brunette felt his heart beat pick up speed and he rushed to the window.

 Newt was next to a grey minivan, talking to a pretty woman who looked a lot like a female Newt, and was probably his mother. However, Thomas wasn't the only one who noticed their arrival.

 "He's here, honey!" shouted the brunette's mom from downstairs.

 There was no need for her to yell, Thomas was already rushing to the door, almost falling over his brother, who was happily re-reading The Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling.

 Smiling nervously, Thomas opened up the door, trying to calm his beating heart. Newt looked very startled when the door opened, since he was just about to ring the doorbell, but he beamed when he saw the brunette.

 "Oh hey, Tommy. My mum is really excited to meet your family. She's still in the car, but she'll be out soon," said the blonde. He was wearing a white shirt with a grey button-up over it, and it looked rather adorable on him.

 Before Thomas could respond, his over-enthusiastic mother spoke, "I can't wait to meet her, sweetie. Thomas here hasn't stopped talking about you all week, isn't that right Thomas?"

 The brunette glared at her, but decided not to respond to the embarrassing question. He hoped that his mom wouldn't be like this the rest of the day because it was unnerving as shuck.

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