Chapter Eight

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 Once the boys had bustled inside, the delicious aroma of macaroni and cheese filled their nostrils, causing their mouth's to water.

 Mrs.Edison spoke once the couple had plopped down on the sofa, "You're welcome to stay as long as you want to, Newt. Just make sure that your mother knows what time you'll be coming back."

 "Thank you so much, Mrs.Edison," said Newt, thankfully. "I really appreciate it."

 "It's really no problem dear, she responded. "I see that Thomas's math grade has improved a few points, which is actually a big improvement for him. I'm just so glad a nice boy like you is teaching my son."

 Newt's face heated up in embarrassment. "Uh, it's really no problem," he said. "Tommy is a very fantastic student."

 "I sure hope he's not being too much of a burden," said Mrs.Edison with a sideways glance at her son.

 "Mom!" yelled Thomas. "Stop acting like I'm invisible!"

 Newt chuckled.

 Mrs.Edison sighed and said, "You two can come into the kitchen and get your food bowls, and I don't mind if you guys watch TV while you eat."

 "Thank you," replied the two boys in unison as they hurried away into the kitchen.

 "What day of the week is it again?" asked Thomas once they had gotten their dinner and silverware.

 "It's Wednesday, Tommy."

 "Ugh, seriously?! We're only half way through the week!" complained Thomas.

 "Well technically, we are three fifths of the way through the school week," the blonde said, smirking.

 "Yeah, yeah whatever. Same thing," the younger teen said, smiling.

 "Not really, but whatever Tommy."

 "Do you wanna watch TV with me?" asked the brunette.

 "Of course! What would you like to watch?"

 "I'm up for anything, to be honest," said Thomas. "Have you ever seen Legends of Tomorrow? It's a really good show, and it's fairly new. I bet you'd love it."

 "No, but I've been wanting to see it ever since I've seen the trailer for it! Do you think I could watch the first episode with you?" asked Newt, hopefully.

 "I would love that." Thomas gave Newt a reassuring smile and they both walked to the couch, carrying their mac and cheese with them.


 "That was bloody brilliant," said Newt once they had watched the first two episodes of Legends of Tomorrow.

 "I know right! We should watch TV together more often," Thomas said happily.

 "I like how they're not afraid to show that Sara's bisexual," said Newt. "Also, the guy who plays Leonard Snart is gay."

 "Really?! Wow I don't know that."

 "Yeah...he actually tried to kill himself when he was 15 because of his sexuality, but he's much more confident now... I look up to him though."

 "Awe I didn't know that," said the brunette, melancholy. He then grabbed the blonde's hands and pulled him onto his lap, giving him a soft peck on the lips.

 Newt blushed scarlet as Thomas started whispering right next to his right ear, "I won't ever let anything happen to you, Newt. Whenever someone tries to make fun of you for your sexuality or anything else, I'll beat their worthless ass. No one is ever going to hurt my precious Newtie."

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