Chapter 1: Torture

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I don't know how long I've been in this warehouse. Judging by Chester's once-a-day visits, my guess is that I've been here for about a week and a half. Each day the torturing seemed worse, even though it was the same thing: carving into my skin and then adding alcohol. At least I wouldn't get infected.

The table I'm strapped to is leaned at an angle, so my head hangs forward since I have no strength left in my body. The fact that I was still alive surprised me I've lost so much blood and I find myself hoping that Chester will do just the right thing and kill me.

Or just suck me dry. He always gets this blood lust look in his eyes when I bleed and I can tell it's hard for him to keep under control. I always see him licking his fingers as he leaves me once our "session" is over.

I hear a door open and I shudder. Chester walks up to me, a grin on his face. "You think you learned your lesson now, hon? The other's have."

I spit at him. "N-no," I say, my voice sounding hoarse. "You sick bastard."

Chester tsks. "You really think that father of yours is coming for you? Dean isn't," he says. "So you can stop hoping that he will."

And then he begins. The knife pierces my skin and I yell out though it seemed bearable today. Perhaps I was getting used to the pain. "You know," I say as Chester turns to his table of "tools." "Your motives for putting everyone through hell was never actually made clear to me."

Chester smirks. "That's because our true motives are a secret," he says.

I smirk at Chester. "Oh, come on now. I thought we were friends and that we told each other everything. I mean, you would think after all this time with you cutting and me screaming."

Chester glares at me. "Don't sass me, girl," he says, stabbing me with some sort of needle. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I have to make this a short night for we are feeding tonight."

I snort. "Why not just eat me."

He laughs. "I would, but then I would never get that taste out of my mouth," he says, shuddering. "I'll see you tomorrow, Emma." And with that, he was gone.


I pull on the restraints once I notice the little bit of sun filtering through the cracks in the ceiling. They were getting looser each day, but my strength was giving out so it became harder each day to fight against the restraints.

I work on them for about ten minutes, my wrists becoming raw. I'm just about to stop when I feel the restraint around my left wrist give a little. My heart picks up speed and I have to keep myself from yelling out of excitement. I wiggle it a bit more, the pain becoming more and more noticeable.

"Just a little bit more," I mutter and after a few good pulls, I'm free. I sigh in relief and take off the right one with ease. I quickly undo my ankles and slide off the table. I'm not on my feet very long when I go crashing to the ground, spots crossing my vision as I become dizzy.

"Woah," I say and grab the table of torture instruments to pull myself up. I take the largest weapon on there and quickly gain balance. After not having walked for two weeks, my legs constantly give out underneath me.

I make my way to the door but stop. That would be too obvious. I walk around and come to a pothole in the ground. "Perfect," I say and struggle to lift it up. I shimmy down the hole, trying my best to put the lid back over me. Once down in the sewer system, I have to cover my nose from the stench. Also, I find that I can't see.

I sigh and look up. "No going back now," I say. I begin to limp down the tunnel and eventually I come to spot where I can see better. I keep walking until I come to a ladder. I climb it and push the cover out of the way. I come out to a street, but thankfully there were no cars. I pull myself out and begin walking. I find a motel and ask the manager for a room.

"Are you okay?" He asks me, taking in my appearance.

I nod. "Yes. I just need to clean up. How about that room?"

He raises an eyebrow but says no more. He hands me a key and I find my room. I quickly jump into the shower and rinse off all the blood and dirt. When I climb out, though, I realize that I have no other clothes. "Shit," I mutter and slowly pull them back on.

There's a phone in my room and I quickly grab it. I dial Dean's number and it rings twice before an answer.

"Emma?" Dean says, sounding desperate.

"Dad," I say and the tears spill. I hear him cry and we cry together.

"Emma," he says. "Where are you? Sammy and I are on the road right now."

"I'm in a motel 6," I say. I pick up a brochure on the table next to the bed. "In Idaho Springs."

I hear Dean say something to Sam. "We'll be right there. Okay?"

"Okay. Please hurry. It's almost night and they'll realize that I got out. I love you, Dad."

"I love you, too, Emma. Be careful. See you in about three hours." The phone beeps, signaling the end of the call. I put the phone down and pick up my weapon. I sit on the bed and wait.

Night rolls along way too fast. I squeeze the knife, wishing that I had dead man's blood to protect me. A banging at the door causes me to jump and I scoot back. Another bang. Another. They seem to be struggling against the makeshift barricade I made.

My throat is dry and I lick my dry lips. Another bang and I watch as my barricade begins to fall. "Hurry, Dean," I say and stand up. I press my back up against the wall and squeeze my knife even harder.

The barricade gives out and the door flies open. Chester stands outside, his hands in fist. "Emma," he says. He begins walking in but freezes. I look at him in confusion when Dean stands up behind him

"That's for Michael, you son of a bitch," he says and rips the knife out of the vampires back.

"Dad!" I yell and run into his arms. He squeezes me and I can't help but call out in pain.

"You're bleeding," he says and I look down. My wounds had reopened and had started bleeding again. I feel my legs wobble as the adreniline begins to wear off. After a moment, the world spins and I fall.

The Young Hunter: The Hunter's Daughter Book 2 (A Supernatural Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now