Chapter 18

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                                                              Chapter 18

                                                            Rylee's POV

Eleanor and I came back to the table and noticed Harry was gone. "Ummmm Lou.... Where is Harry?'' I asked him. He looked down at the ground, obviously trying not to talk. "Louis.....'' Eleanor pushed him. He looked up still not talking. "LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON WHERE IS HARRY!!!!!!!'' She slightly yelled. Obviously scared, he spoke up. "OnthephonebreakingupwithTaylor.'' He answered. Eleanor was confused, however I knew what he said. "Why?'' I asked. "Hehe...... ummmmm.....-'' Before he finished I walked towards the exit of the restaurant. I walked out of the doors and saw Harry near the fountain. I walked to where I could hear him, but be hidden. "H- H- Hi Taylor." He hesitated. He listened to her. " I'm... breakingupwithyou.'' he talked like Louis. He listened to Taylor again. "Why? Because I like another girl...'' he told her. That girl was lucky.... whoever she was. "Yeah? Well maybe I will ask my friend out!'' Why would he ask Louis out? Creepy. "Yeah be jealous of Rylee cause she's nicer than you.'' My heart skipped a beat. I just know realized it. I was the reason why Harry broke up with Taylor. Before I knew it I ran out of my hiding spot past Harry, and ran to the doors to the parking lot. I ran home realizing that I was the one who broke Taylor's heart.

                                                          Harry's POV

 "Yeah be jealous of Rylee cause she's nicer than you.'' I ended the call, and out of nowhere Rylee ran past me and through the doors to the parking lot.

I walked back in the restaurant to see Louis and Eleanor talking. I walked to the table not sitting down. "Oh hey Haz we were just about to get you and leave!'' Eleanor said. "Guys, Rylee ran out of the mall and I don't know why.'' I replied. They looked shocked. "Good thing we just paid, so lets go.'' Louis said. They stood up and we walked out of the restaurant and to the cars. "Ok, how about you drive to Rylee's house and we follow.'' Eleanor suggested. Louis and I nodded. I got into my car and drove off. 

I parked on the street, near her house and noticed her mum was home. I waited for Louis and Eleanor to catch up to me. Once they were right beside me, We went to her porch and rung her doorbell. Her mom answered the door. "Oh hello Harry.... and friends?'' she questioned. "Yeah, is Rylee home?'' I asked her. "Yes... why?'' "Um.. We saw her run out of the mall unexpectedly.'' I said. "Ok, well... come on in!'' She said and motioned us to come in.  We walked in, took our shoes off and headed upstairs. "Oh, and I am leaving for a while so.... You kids be good!'' She joked. We heard her car leaving the driveway and listened 'till we couldn't here the motor. "You guys stay down here, I'll go talk to her.'' Eleanor said. "Why?'' Louis asked. "It seems like it's more girl talk.'' She said and headed upstairs. Louis and I turned to eachother and shrugged. 

                                                                          Rylee's POV

I heard a knock on my door. "Come in'' I said. The person came in. I looked up and saw Eleanor. "Ummm..... not to be mean but why are you here?'' I asked her. "Harry told us you ran out of the mall... so... We were worried." She replied. "I'm okay!'' I said and put my hands up. "Rylee, I may not have known you for a long time like Harry, but I do know something is bothering you.'' She said. "It's just that when I left the restaurant I spied on Harry.'' I said. "Yeah, Louis and I kind of knew you were going to do that.'' She said, making me laugh. "It's just that when he said ' Yeah, be jealous of Rylee cause she's much nicer than you', I kind of realized something,'' Eleanor nodded her head, indicating for me to go on. "I was the reason Harry broke up with Taylor.'' I let go the line that I was repeating in my mind. "And so you feel bad that Taylor is broken hearted.'' She finished for me. I started to cry. "Aw, Rylee,'' she pulled me in for a hug, I didn't reject. "It's ok! And I know something Harry would be mad about if he knew.'' She said. I pulled away from her and looked at her. "Harry likes you." She said. "Well of course he does El he's my friend.'' I replied.                                                  "No, Rylee. He likes you. As in like like.'' "What?''

Hola muchacho chihuahuas!!!!!! If your a directioner AND a swiftie I just want to clear things up. I didn't mean in like reality that I'm nicer than Taylor Swift. It's for the story so it's not like I'm actually saying "Oh I'm SOOOOO nicer than Taylor Swift".  I didn't mean it. Ok, so get that in your mind. 

Moving on, in like 4 days I get to meet my teacher for the new school year! No, just no. So that means ,3 days after that, that I get to start school. Yes, yes, lets start a group crying session. I will try to update in these last few free days I have, PLUS if I have any spare time after school starts sooooo...... Yepperzzz.... Adios.................. 

                                                                                                                        - Ry

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