Mini Les Amis

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•Ten years (to the day) before the fall of the barricade•

"Revolution!" Enjolras giggled, running down the street, Grantaire and Marius trailing behind him.
"Enjolras, wait!" Marius gasped, his lungs burning from trying to keep up with the excitement carrying Enjolras.
"We don't have time Marius we have to make it to the barricade!" Grantaire replied, running a little faster to catch up with his best friend.
Finally, Enjolras came to a stop. They had reached a point farther than they had ever gone. In front of them was a recently abandoned cafe of sorts.
"Whoa!" Enjolras breathed. "Come on! Let's see what's inside!" He began running again, his blond curls bouncing. Cautiously, he entered the building, Marius and Grantaire following closely behind. The building was double leveled, and filled with tables and chairs. Enjolras ran up to the second level, while Marius and Grantaire investigated the bottom one. Enjolras dashed around the chairs, running towards the window that looked down over the street. He looked out the window, and saw his country as he had never seen it before.
"France!" He muttered, turning away from the window. He walked back towards the stairs, looking more carefully at his surroundings. A bright splash of color caught his eye. As he moved closer, he discovered a red vest, with golden buttons down the side. His eyes grew wide and he threw it on. He was disappointed to see that it was way too big. It hung past his knees and barely stayed on his shoulders, but he loved it.
"Grantaire! Marius! Come see this!" Enjolras called downstairs. Instantly, he heard the sounds of running feet, and almost just as fast, the sound of someone falling. Grantaire's laughter hinted that Marius had fallen, something he did often.
A mumbled "Shut up, Grantaire." Followed the laughter as they ran up stairs. Grantaire stopped short upon seeing his friend.
"Whoa! Enjolras! It's so cool!" He said, coming to his side and reaching out to grab the vest.
"It doesn't fit yet but it will one day!" Enjolras declared proudly. "I like it! It's like France!" He laughed.
The rest of the day was spent there, playing and pushing around the tables and chairs to form a barricade, built from the imagination of three 10 year-old boys.

They didn't know the Cafe would be the place of their final stand.
Enjolras didn't know he would die in the vest he found and cherished.
Marius didn't know he would loose every friend he had.
Grantaire had hope in his eyes and love in his heart.
They thought all was well, they dreamed of their future.
They didn't know they didn't have much of one.
They didn't know how much damage 10 years time can do.

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