(Another) Mini Les Amis

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•After selling Cosette, the Thenadier's are at a loss for a cleaning girl. This duty falls upon Eponine.•

"EPONINE!" Madame Thenadier's shrill voice rang through the inn. The small girl flinched, then ran down the stairs.
"Yes mama?" She asked timidly.
"You've been slacking, my dear." She said, not a hint of love in her voice. Eponine lowered her head.

Now that Cosette was gone, everything had fallen onto Eponine's shoulders. Her life had been flipped upside down, and she found herself yearning for someone to save her from the wretched life she was living.
Her mother and father had spent the 1500 quickly and unwisely. Eponine had watched as her parents switched from adoring their young daughter to treating her as less than dirt.

Then one day, M. Thenadier had come to her room, fuming and obviously drunk.
"Eponine!" His voice was slurred, heavy from drink. "Come here my dear."
Eponine cautiously approached her father.
"What is it papa?" She asked timidly.
"I need your blue hat!" He barked, causing Eponine to jump back.
"But why? I love that blue hate. And mama knows it!" She protested.
"Eponine, get me the hat!" Her father snapped again, obviously getting angrier. She shook her head.
"It's mine papa! I want to keep it!" She said, stepping in front of the dresser it was in protectively.
"Move aside Eponine." Thenadier snarled. She shook her head defiantly and stood her ground. Out of no where, a hand flew towards her, slapping her across the face and throwing her out of the way. Shocked, she held a hand to her face and began to sob as her father rummaged through the dresser and pulled out her beloved hat.
"Enough of that! Your tears will do you no good!" Her father yelled, echoing the words once used on Cosette. Quickly, she stifled the crying and stood, helpless as her hat was taken away.

Now she stood with her head low, facing her mother.
"I'm sorry mama. I'll finish right away!" She mumbled.
"Don't bother. Just go draw some water." She snapped, waving the girl away.
Eponine stumbled outside, wandering a first, dreading going back into the inn. A shout of laughter came from down the street, and Eponine hurried to find the source.
Down the street was a group of 3 boys, about her age. They were running about and playing. Eponine envied them. She crept closer, hoping to hear their conversation.
"Grantaire is it!" One of the boys screamed, running from a second. The first boy was a bit taller than the others, with gentle blond curls.
He ran away from the second boy, who's blond hair was straight, but an altogether mess. He ran to the 3rd boy, tapping him on the shoulder, and giggling
"Marius is it!" Grantaire giggled, running away. Marius took off after them, as Eponine got a good look at him.
He had dark hair, curled tightly on his head. His face was full of joy and light, and Eponine found herself wishing she could be near him. She crept closer, and her bucket clanged against the wall. The boys quickly turned towards her.
Quickly, Eponine turned and ran, hearing the sounds of the boys footsteps behind her.
A hand grabbed her shoulders, pulling her to a stop.
"Hey!" She yelled. "Let go!" She squirmed, trying to free herself from the grip of the boy.
"Stop. What's your name?" A gentle voice asked. She stopped fighting and turned to the sound.
"Eponine." She replied, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Hi Eponine. I'm Marius. This is Grantaire, and Enjolras." He said, motioning towards the two other boys. "Do you want to play with us?" He asked.
Enjolras groaned. "Marius! She's a girl! She can't play with us!" He said. Marius shot a glare towards him.
"Sure she can. She's quick. And it's not fair to not let her play!" He argued. Enjorlas sighed.
"Fine. She can play!" He grumbled. Marius turned back to Eponine.
"What do you say?" He asked.
Eponine thought about it. She dreaded going home, and would do anything to postpone that.
She shrugged. "Sure!"
They ran off and played, and for the first time since Cosette had left, Eponine smiled.

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