Go to sleep. Now.

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•Enjolras has been working for over 48 hours straight with no sleep. Grantaire notices and decides to put Enj to bed•

Enjolras yawned again, glancing at the clock. It was 9 at night, marking this his 51st hour without sleep. But he couldn't stop. He was formulating his plan for the next rally. It was one of the biggest rallies since he had started holding them. The Amis were meeting outside the Justice building, and Enj was giving a rousing speech to help inspire the people to stand up to the unfair treatment. Enj had been working for hours ("51 of them." He reminded himself) to get the right evidence and word it just right. Distantly, he heard a key in the lock. Grantaire entered quietly, then stopped short when he saw Enjolras still awake.
"Hey R." Enjolras greeted his boyfriend through a yawn.
"Goodness Enj. Have you slept yet?" R questioned, moving closer to the blonde. Enjolras shook his head softly, stifling another yawn.
"Haven't had a chance." He muttered, his words slurring slightly from sleep deprivation. He pulled the papers closer to his face, blinking hard in an attempt to focus his eyes onto the work.
"Enjolras, the people can't be lead by an exhausted leader." Grantaire said quietly, wrapping his arms around Enj's neck and nuzzling his neck.
"They can't be lead by a leader who doesn't know anything either." Enj yawned. "Will you stop that? I can't focus."
"You couldn't focus even if I wasn't this close. You're too tired." Grantaire spoke quietly into his lover's ear.
"'m not." Enjolras argued as his head fell, his neck too tired to hold it up.
"That's it." Grantaire declared. He pulled the chair out from the desk and scooped the exhausted blonde from it.
"Grantaire!" Enjolras exclaimed.
"No!" Grantaire argued firmly.
"But the people!" The blonde said, his struggles growing fainter as he started to drift in Grantaire's arms.
"You need sleep. Now." Grantaire spoke softly as he put Enjolras down in their bed. The brave leader fell asleep instantly.
"Goodnight, Enj." Grantaire whispered as he stroked his boyfriends curls. He softly kissed the top of his head and snuggled in. He fell asleep to the sound of Enjolras's deep even breaths.

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