Fake guns are handy.

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•Grantaire stumbles upon Enjolras being badly beaten by those against his cause•

Grantaire heard the sounds before he saw the scene. The scuffling, and distressed sounds of someone being beaten. He ran towards the sound. He rounded the corner, entering into an alley way. 3 large men surrounded a smaller figure. One of the larger men moved aside, allowing Grantaire to see a flash or brilliant blond curls, and he knew who it was. His anger drove him forward.
"Hey! Back off!" He yelled, pushing past the men surrounding his boyfriend. He stood protectively in front of the blond, who collapsed. Grantaire shot a quick glance behind him. Enj had passed out. His fury grew white hot.
"Three against one? How is that fair? What, were you so scared of the scrawny blond that you needed backup. All three of you are bigger than him. You're cowards." Grantaire spat.
"Yeah, and who are you, his boyfriend?" One of the brutes asked Grantaire.
"As a matter of fact, yes I am." Grantaire said proudly. "Get out of here."
"I don't think we will." One of the men growled, approaching Grantaire slowly.
"I'm armed." Grantaire lied, reaching his hand into his jacket pocket as if to grab a gun. The brutes bought it.
"Whoa! We're leaving no need to cause trouble! We're leaving!" The first brute said quickly. The men quickly turned and left.
"Cowards and idiots." He muttered to himself before turning his attention to his unconscious boyfriend.
"Enj? Enjolras!" He all but yelled. He quickly made sure his body was in one piece. It seemed to be just cuts and scrapes on the outside. And the bloody nose. But he had no idea how Enj faired on the inside. "ENJOLRAS!" He yelled, desperate to wake the boy up. Slowly, the bright blue eyes fluttered open.
"Grantaire? He asked, sitting up slowly.
"Yeah. I'm here. Don't worry. I scared those guys off. As it turns out, they run the first time the idea of a gun enters their head." Grantaire laughed.
"You have a gun?" Enjolras questioned.
"No, but they didn't need to know that. Now let's go, we've got to get you to the hospital." Grantaire answered, going to stand up.
"I'm fine, R." Enj argued.
"No you're not. You just got the crap beat out of you. We're going to the hospital." Grantaire restated.
"I am fine!" Enj restated.
"Like hell you are." Grantaire insisted, picking the injured blond up.
"Put me down, I can walk." Enj sighed.
"I know." Grantaire stated, shifting the blond into a more comfortable position in his arms. Enj smiled, resting his head against Grantaire's chest and felt his strong heartbeat against his chest. He didn't complain about being carried any longer, because he felt safe in Grantaire's strong arms.

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