Get off the table, Grantaire.

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•Grantaire is drunk off his rocker and Enjolras has to take care of him•

"Hello?" Enjolras says as he picks up his phone.
"Enj?" Says the other end. It's Courfeyrac.
"Yeah. What's wrong Courf?"
"It's R. He's drunk and tearing apart the Cafe. He won't listen to any of us but we figured he'd listen to you, being his boyfriend and all." He replied quickly, Enjolras barely catching the words. Enj sighed.
"I'm on my way." He said, grabbing his coat and rushing out the door.
He reached the Cafe Musain in a few minutes, and he heard the ruckus inside. Enj quickly ran inside, stopping short at the door at the sight of the cafe. Grantaire was standing on top of a table, singing loudly and very, very off key.
"DRINK WITH MEEE TO DAAAAYS GONE BYYYY!" He took another swig of drink, then hopped off the table. Enjolras quickly ran to him.
"Grantaire!" He yelled, trying to take the bottle out of his hand.
"No! No! Mine!" He said, fighting back to keep the bottle.
Enjolras eventually wrestled the bottle out of the drunks hands. He handed it off to Jehan and quickly turned back to his boyfriend, who was trying to climb back onto the table.
"Grantaire! We are going home come on!" Enjolras said, pulling him off the table and putting his hands on his face to bring his attention to him.
"Apollo!" Grantaire exclaimed, then kissed him drunkly. Enjolras hid his grin. "I love you Apollo. S'much." Grantaire slurred.
"I love you too, R. Now, let's go home." He said, grabbing Grantaire's hand and pulling him towards the door.
"No!" Grantaire exclaimed, pulling his hand free and walking back to the table. Enjolras sighed, and approached the drunken man.
"Grantaire!" He called. Grantaire turned to face him. Enjolras quickly threw Grantaire over his shoulder. Grantaire didn't seem to have a problem with being treated as a rag doll, and went back to singing drunkly. Enjolras smiled. He hadn't known it was possible to love someone that drunk, but he did, and he loved him even more for it.

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