Prologue: From Hope to Despair - Part 1

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July 15 11:50am

S. P. A. R. X Factory ~ Niamh Wood's POV

Visiting this place has become almost like a tradition for me now. I swore to myself that I would never step foot inside this building again, but I guess hearing Chrysalis talk about a case that started some project and said case happening at this factory reminded me...

As soon as I heard her say those five letters, I knew I had to come back, if only for a short time. I'd pretty much forgotten about this ordeal, but I knew it was pointless running away from it.

I felt pretty confident about my decision, but now, actually standing here in front of the door, my hand shook as I pressed it against the cool metal. I would have invited some of the others to come along, but I doubt they would have accepted.

Without thinking, I pushed the door open. The green light almost blinded me and made my stomach churn with nerves. I'll never forget what I saw in that room. I'll never forget what sleeps in there.

I guess I should start from the beginning, so that this all makes sense. It happened five years prior to our current time...

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July 13 9:45am

Ashbrooke Boarding School ~ Ultimate Investigator Niamh Wood's POV

Could you believe it?! The school was actually taking us on a school trip to that famous factory! You know, S. P. A. R. X? That one!

I'd been so excited that I woke up extra early. I got dressed in my turquoise t-shirt and wore my red jacket over it. A turquoise headband rested on my head. I wore a pearl necklace around my neck, the one my cousin had gotten for my birthday last month. I wore a black leather skater skirt and knee-length black boots. My blue eyes scanned the expansive garden outside, such eyes hiding behind purple-framed glasses, before I left my room to head for the cafeteria.

When I got there, only one person was present: the new kid in school. I think she said her name was Akari Hinata. She had slightly spiky red hair with violet eyes. She wore a black vest jacket over a white shirt. She had a brown belt around jean shorts with a  bag over her shoulder. She wore purple tennis shoes on her feet. She wore a purple and white hat backwards. She was sat alone at a table, staring distantly out of the window. I approached her slowly with a small smile. "Um, you're Akari, right?" I asked.

She turned to face me, her hair whipping around madly. "Y-Yes, that's me." She nodded. "What about you?"

That's right: she hadn't met the rest of the people in our class yet. "Niamh Wood." I introduced. "So, um, what's your talent, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm the Ultimate Pokémon Master!" Akari replied. "I've competed and won first place in all kinds of tournaments, be it the card game or the video game! What about you?"

"Ultimate Investigator." I told her. "I have a knack for investigating people's problems and solving mysteries and things like that. I've done it ever since I was young and I guess I got pretty good at it, so that's how I got the title."

"So... are you excited for the trip...?" Akari asked nervously. I nodded, my shoulder length hair bouncing (my hair had been slightly shorter in those days). Akari looked away in response, her eyes distant. It looked like she was deep in thought about something, but I didn't get the chance to ask what.

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