Chapter 2: Fatal Secrets ~ Part 4 (Deadly Life)

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~ Ultimate Comedian Susumu Toshi's POV ~

The courtroom looked just as creepy as before. I noticed that it had gotten a redesign; now it looked like we were holding a trial on a beach, with a real beach ball and everything. My attention turned back to the circle, where two more face portraits had been added: Octavio and Clement, both with pink crosses across them. By the end of this trial, one more face will be crossed off... It made me furious just thinking about it. Those of us who remained took our appropriate places in the circle of fate.

"Each of you will present your arguments on 'whodunnit'." Monokuma explained again. "If you guys manage to deduce who the blackened is, then only they receive punishment. But... if you pick the wrong person, then I'll punish everyone BESIDES the blackened, and that person will receive the right to leave this island! So, you guys know what to do! Get started!"

"Okay, so..." Kazashi began. "This time, it was Clement who died... but why would anyone want to target such a timid little guy...? He barely did anything wrong..."

"The weak always prey upon the weaker." Jordan remarked. "Especially if it involves our darkest secrets."

"Shut up, Jordan, nobody asked you about this." Zach grumbled. I saw Akari trying to hold back her satisfactory smirk. I admit it was nice to see someone talk back to the bully of the classroom. "Let's start with the murder weapon." Zach continued. "It was definitely the metal bat we found there, right?"

"Yeah," I agreed. "But where would anyone find something like that?"


Zach: "Where would somebody be able..."

Zach: "... to get their hands on a metal bat?"

Jeff: "Maybe at those ruins we found..."

Orno: "The library...? No, that can't be it."

Kazashi: "I bet the diner has a secret stash of weapons!"

Kyle: "What about the beach house itself?"


"That has to be it." Niamh said. "The bat came from the beach house."

"But the entire place... It was blocked off by a large quantity of boulders." Venisa objected. "How would anyone have been able to gain entrance in the first place?"

"... There is one person." Niamh announced, crossing her arms. "One person who was responsible for blocking off the beach house in the first place, and should have been the only person who was aware of the beach house's existence."


Niamh raised her arm and pointed directly at one person: Jordan. The latter rose a singular, suspicious eyebrow. Kazashi gasped and covered her mouth with her hands, but I honestly wasn't all that surprised. In a game where we are encouraged to kill each other, Jordan would be the first person I suspected.

"Before you argue, Jordan, I even have evidence." Niamh stated.


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