Chapter 1 - Escape from Despair ~ Part 1 (Daily Life)

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~ Ultimate Pokémon Master Akari Hinata's POV ~

After Monokuma disappeared, we all agreed that we would never kill each other. We're not that monstrous. I didn't want to stay in a crowded place for very long, so I decided to take a walk along the beach by myself for a little while. Who knows? I might spot a big Wailord in the ocean!

I had just departed from the restaurant when I heard quick footsteps from behind me. "Hey, Akari, wait up!" a voice called.

"Susumu?" I questioned. The comedian came to a halt in front of me, sand particles flying behind him. "Where are you going all on your own?" he asked, his orange eyes reflecting concern. "In our situation, it might be a little... dangerous. Despite what we all said back there... someone might actually be planning to... y-you know..."

"You sure are serious for a comedian." I commented, beginning to walk away from him. Susumu swiftly caught up to me and walked alongside me. "You're right! I know! I'll tell you this great pun I came up with to lighten the mood!"

I rolled my eyes; I really wasn't in the mood for any kind of joking around, but if it made him happy, then who am I to stop him?

"Okay, so..." Susumu cleared his throat, almost as if he was preparing to give a great speech. "There was this baseball. It was slowly getting bigger, and I wondered why. But then..." he sniggered, mockingly slapping his forehead with the back of his hand. "It hit me!"

I tried to hide my smirk, but I failed miserably. A large smile broke out on my lips and a laugh escaped my lips. "Okay, that was actually kind of funny." I admitted. "That made me feel a bit better about all of this. Thanks, Susumu."

"O-Oh, no worries...!" Susumu grinned, sinking his slightly reddened face into his white scarf. "Y-You know, you can just call me Su for short, if you want..."

"Okay then... Su." I nodded. As long as Niamh, Zach, Angelica, Jeff and Su were here, I had a feeling that I would be able to pull through this.

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~ Ultimate Prankster Kyle Young's POV ~

After leaving the hotel restaurant, there was an area with about seventeen different cottages. It was kind of like a resort; there was even a pool.

Each one had a small label showing someone's name and a pixelated representation of that person's face on the door. I pushed open the door with my name on it and looked around the room. It looked pretty average overall: a bed was really the only thing that stood out. A smirk played on my lips as I looked around at the other cottages. I creeped over to one, not bothering to look at the nameplate. Someone might have already found their room and placed something valuable in there...

"What are you doing?"

I froze and turned slowly at the sound of an accented voice. It was that dancer girl Venisa, harshly watching me with her blood coloured eyes. She was, as usual, fanning herself, which made small wisps of hair fly away from her forehead.

"I'm rescuing a basket of kittens." I remarked sarcastically. "What does it look like I'm doing?"

"I should have thought you knew better than to sneak into other people's rooms, Mr. Young." Venisa lectured. "It is a truly... barbaric thing to do."

"Do you really think I care about what it is?" I asked with a roll of my eyes. "When I'm bored, I get up to no good. That enough of an explanation for you?"

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