Chapter 1: Escape from Despair ~ Part 4 (Deadly Life)

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~ Ultimate Software Engineer Zachary Moore's POV ~

The elevator eventually came to a stop, it's doors creaking open slowly. The light from the other room almost blinded us as we stepped out. Monokuma was sat on some kind of throne. In front of him were seventeen stands, forming a circle. One stand was already taken: a picture of Toshiaki's grinning face was stood there, a large pink cross over it. I frowned in it's general direction.

"It's about time you all got here!" Monokuma sighed in mock aggression. "Come on, hurry up, everyone get to their seats!"

We all followed the bear's instructions and looked for the seats with our names on. We all managed to get to the right places; I was stood with Octavio on my left and Susumu on my right. All sixteen of us glanced around at each other in fear as Monokuma went over the rules one more time.

"Each of you will present your arguments on 'whodunnit'." the monochrome bear explained. "If you guys manage to deduce who the blackened is, then only they receive punishment. Buuuut... if you pick the wrong person, then I'll punish everyone BESIDES the blackened, and that person will receive the right to leave this island! So, let's start this class trial with a bang!"

"You say you want us to begin, but... what exactly are we supposed to talk about?" Angelica questioned.

"Let's talk about the killer." Jordan interrupted. "It's already clear as day who killed Toshiaki."

"A-Are you serious?!" Octavio gasped. "Who did it?!"

Niamh had a small frown on her face, her azure eyes glaring at Jordan. "You didn't even investigate at all. How can you know anything about what happened?"

"Just listen to me and you'll see soon enough." Jordan smirked.


Jordan: "It's already clear who killed Toshiaki."

Jordan: "At the crime scene..."

Jordan: "A pink hair bow was found, right?"

Kenta: "Stained with blood, yes..."

Jordan: "That blood can only be Toshiaki's blood."

Jordan: "And who here wears a bow?"

Jordan: "This evidence was left behind by the owner: Kazashi!"


Everyone turned towards the source of the objection; Niamh. "Hold on just a second," she began. "It's true there was a hair bow at the crime scene. Akari and I noticed that too. But isn't there a chance that the culprit put it there to frame Kazashi?"

"What makes you say that...?" Clement asked.

"Akari and I spoke to Kazashi before the trial started. She told us that she had the bow with her when night-time was announced. However, when she woke up the next morning, it had disappeared." Niamh explained. "Is it not possible that the culprit broke into her room and stole the bow to frame her for the crime?"

"She could just be lying to cover for her crime." Jordan suggested. "You can't believe every little thing someone says."

"B-But I didn't do it!" Kazashi yelled, waving her arms around madly. "Please believe me, guys!! I stayed in my cottage the whole night!!"

"You know..." Botan started, which surprised me a little. The guy's so quiet, nobody ever realizes he's there. I think this is actually the first time the guy has said anything this whole time. "Is there any way to prove whether or not Kazashi was in her cottage the whole night?"

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