Chapter 3: PokéMaster's Anguish - Part 4 (Deadly Life)

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~ Ultimate Software Engineer Zachary Moore's POV ~

The trial room looked as empty as ever, with it's cold metallic walls. Six portraits now stood in the circle. I stood behind my seat, trying to ignore Susumu's smiling face, which was stood next to me and harshly crossed out. I could see Akari doing the same, her eyes staying glued to the floor as she took her place.

Once again, Monokuma explained the rules of the class trial. "So, you guys will present your arguments on 'whodunnit'. If you guess right, only the killer will be punished. But, if you pick the wrong person, then I'll punish everyone BESIDES the blackened, and that person will recieve the right to leave this island! So, don't mess it up now!"

"To start off with, we should talk about something I've found pretty strange." Jordan began. "It's about the victims. Why were those two killed? Out of all people, why Susumu and Kenta?"

"The Despair Disease was the motive." Niamh replied. "Susumu was one of the three people with the disease, so that could be why he was targeted. But I do find Kenta's death pretty strange..."

"Ooh! Ooh! I think I know why!" Angelica cried. "Can I explain?!"

"Go on," I prompted.


Angelica: "So how about this?"

Angelica: "The killer was about to leave the crime scene..."

Angelica: "... but Kenta walked in on them after they committed the crime!"


"I don't think so, Angelica." Niamh said. "In the Monokuma File, it states that while both of them were killed at 6:45am, Kenta actually died first."

"Kenta died first?" Angelica repeated. "But from the way that the crime scene was arranged, it looked like Susumu died first."

"There is evidence to back me up." Niamh declared.


"The evidence can be found on Susumu's scarf. See? There's blood on it." Niamh explained. "Maybe it went like this: Kenta caught the culprit before they could kill Susumu. So they killed Kenta and then moved on to Susumu. The killer would naturally be covered in Kenta's blood, so that's how the blood ended up on Susumu's scarf."

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Jordan smirking. I immediately began to feel anxious; the Ultimate Delinquent looking pleased with himself was not a good sign. "What is it, Jordan?" I asked, wanting to get it over with as soon as possible.

"Hm? Oh, nothing." Jordan replied, shaking his head. "I was just thinking... doesn't this make the killer's identity obvious?"

"I-It does?" Akari stammered. "Tell us, then!"

Jordan paused, his stupidly smug face obviously enjoying keeping us in suspense. "What, you don't know?" He asked. "You don't know that all of this could point to you being the culprit?"

The courtroom was silent for a few moments as Akari's violet eyes slowly widened. "Me...?" She whispered. "Why me...?"

"Yeah! Why would Akari want to do something like this?! It makes no sense!" Kazashi yelled. "You need proof to back this up!"

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