Chapter 4: Malnourishment or Murder - Part 3 (Deadly Life)

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~ Ultimate Pokémon Master Akari Hinata's POV ~


"A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time has passed, which you may spend however you like, the class trial will begin!"

I stepped out of my room with a yawn, just as the Monokuma announcement was ending, the sudden sound of panicked voices shocking me awake. Everyone was gathered around one of the rooms, although I couldn't really see which room it was. "What's the matter...?" I asked sleepily.

"I-It's Kazashi..." Angelica explained through sobs. "Sh-She's..."

I pushed past Jordan and looked into Kazashi's room. Niamh was stood next to the still body of the Ultimate Cosplayer. There was a glass bottle in Kazashi's right hand.

"... Poison." I muttered simply. "She was poisoned."

"Eh? Poison?" Jordan repeated. "How do you know that?"

"The bottle, obviously." I replied. "She must have found poison somewhere and it got into her system, killing her."

Monokuma suddenly appeared as he always did, that stupid grin on his face. "Right you are, you Pokémon Go obsessed critter! The fourth Monokuma File shall explain everything about the demise of poor Little Miss Costume! Her surname was 'Dai' for a reason! Get it?! Because it sounds like die!!"

Niamh snatched the file away from the bear. "You can leave now." She muttered.

"Yikes! You've gotten feisty!" Monokuma commented, stepping away from Niamh in mock fright. "What's with the sudden personality change? Is the game getting too much for you? Are you really the same Niamh we all know and love or have you become a different person?!"

"Go away," I muttered. Monokuma held his hands up defensively and disappeared, laughing the entire time.

"This is the fourth time..." I whispered, closing my eyes and clutching my scarf. "When is this going to stop...?"


Niamh began to read the newly obtained Monokuma File. I cautiously stepped over to her and also read the information on the file.

'The victim this time around was Kazashi Dai
Time of death was exactly 12:00am
Cause of death was atroquinine poisoning. Atroquinine is a slow working poison, as it takes 15 minutes to take effect after ingestion
No external injuries were found'

"I told you it was poisoning," I said to Jordan, who merely growled and looked away in response.


"But where in the world would someone be able to get poison from in here?" Niamh wondered. "This is completely cut off from the outside world, right? I doubt someone just left here and came back in."

"The Final Dead Room!" Zach gasped. "That's the only place that nobody's really explored yet, right? Except for the killer; they must have cleared the Final Dead Room and then got access to the poison."


"Poison isn't all that's in there." Jordan announced suddenly. "There was all kinds of things there; the poison, swords, maces, chains, hammers... the list was pretty much endless."

"So you did go into the Final Dead Room like you said you would..." I muttered. "But I thought we sent Kyle to stop you?"

"Oh, you did." Jordan replied with a shrug. "I just went back later, after everyone was asleep. But the killer had already been by the time I got there."

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