Chapter 2: Fatal Secrets ~ Part 1 (Daily Life)

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~ Ultimate Delinquent Jordan Tucker's POV ~


"Goooooood morning, everyone! It is now 7am. Let's get up and get ready for another beeeeeeee-autiful day!"

I muttered a few vulgar words as I dragged myself out of bed. I was exhausted after that stupid trial, and I wasn't even allowed to sleep in. Screw that bear. Screw this island. Screw everything.

I sighed as I entered the restaurant, where everyone else had already gathered. Nobody was saying a word, just eating. I guess they were still thinking about the case from yesterday. Even I admit that Prower's execution caught me off guard. It was pretty ironic, though, so that entertained me.

After a while of awkward silence, Haruka stood up to leave without eating a bite of food. "Where are you going?" Leiko asked. "You haven't eaten since yesterday..."

"It... It just feels wrong." Haruka replied slowly. "To eat in here when... when this is the place where... Toshiaki..." She trailed off and looked away, although we all knew what she was meaning to say. "I'm going back to my cottage..." she muttered as she left, taking a few scraps of food with her. Nobody else said anything.

I sighed aggressively; why was I stuck on this island with a bunch of wimps? "How long are you guys going to think about those two?" I asked.

"Wh-What did you just say?" Moore growled, his hands balling into fists.

"Yemon, Prower... They're dead. There's no use thinking about the dead," I continued. "Once someone dies, that's it. They're gone forever."

"Hold it!" Wood cried. "This is a virtual reality, remember? We still don't know what happens to our real bodies! There's still hope! We just need to believe!"

"'Hope'?" I repeated.

"She's right," Hinata agreed. "When we get out of here, we might be able to help them."

I rolled my eyes; this lot really were idiots. I was the only one on this island with any sense.

Monokuma appeared out of nowhere once again, much to my chagrin. Dai jumped backwards in surprise. "D-Don't freak me out like that...!"

"Wow! It's just like a magic trick!" Aiya squealed. "You HAVE to teach me how to do that some time!"

"Stop talking and let the bear speak," I sighed. "Go on, Monofreak. What do you want?"

"Young man, some respect, if you please!" Monokuma cried, clearly irritated, although he wasn't one to talk. He was the least respectful here, even less so than me. "Anyway... since you guys cleared the class trial, the second island is open to you!"

"The second island?" Wasntme echoed. "Now that you mention it, I do remember seeing a few other islands, but they were blocked off by huge gates."

"Every time you guys clear a class trial, a new island is opened up to you!" Monokuma explained. "And a new island means more luxury to your life on the island! So go ahead and explore that island as you please!"

After Monokuma disappeared, Toshi turned to the rest of us uncertainly. "So... what are we going to do? Should we go to the new island?"

"I say we check it out..." Naoko commented. "I mean... we might find something that will help us get off this island... so it's worth checking out..."

I doubted that Monokuma would just leave such a thing lying around, but I was curious about what we could find on this 'new island'. More space to move around in might make this dump feel less cramped, and I was certainly thankful for that.

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