Chapter 3: PokéMaster's Anguish ~ Part 3 (Deadly Life)

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~ Ultimate Investigator Niamh Wood's POV ~

I trembled as I stared at the lifeless bodies of the boys. Once I had somewhat regained my composure, I ran to Jordan's room and desperately knocked on the door. "Kyle!!" I yelled. "Wake up!! It's an emergency!!"

I tried to push open the door, but it was locked. "What...?" I whispered in confusion. The hospital rooms aren't supposed to have locks, but the door had been jammed shut. I knocked several times until I had attracted the attention of the blonde-haired jokester. "What are you screaming about?" He asked, his tired voice just barely audibld through the grey barrier that was the door.

"Get out here!" I demanded. "I'll go get Angelica!"

Kyle seemed to catch on to what I was so panicked about and nodded, getting to work on unblocking the door while I ran to Kazashi's room. Angelica was already stood at the door, her green eyes wide with a mix of curiosity and fear.

Before I could say anything to her, a crash made me look away. The door to Jordan's room was swinging dangerously from it's hinges. Kyle poked his head through the doorway, noticing that Kazashi's room was also shut tight. "Stand back, ladies!" He commanded, stretching his arms with a smirk. We did as he said and took a few steps backwards.

After seemingly a lot of effort, Kyle had managed to break down the door. "No time to explain!" I yelled, already knowing that Kyle and Angelica were going to ask about what as happening. I grabbed their wrists and dragged them to Susumu's room, mentally praying that what I had seen was an illusion.

Angelica's scream proved that it wasn't.

"Wh-What the hell?!" Kyle exclaimed, his eyes going wide. "Two of them?!"


"A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time has passed, which you may spend however you like, the class trial will begin!"


""A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time has passed, which you may spend however you like, the class trial will begin!"

"I'll... I'll go get everyone else..." Angelica whispered. She dashed from the room on shaky legs, her red hair flowing behind her gently despite the situation.

I slowly made my way over to Susumu, looking over his deathly pale features. "Akari's going to be devastated..." I muttered, shaking my head slowly.

"Speaking of, where is she?" Kyle questioned with crossed arms. "Wasn't she supposed to be looking after him?"

I didn't get time to answer his question when the sound of approaching footsteps thundered in the corridor. Angelica reappeared in the doorway, followed by the other two Despair Disease patients and the rest of us who had moved to the motel, Akari included.

"A-Again...?!" Zach gasped, clenching his fists. "And... two this time...?!"

Akari slowly trudged over to the hospital bed where Susumu lay motionless. She held his hand. "... He's cold," she whispered. "But that's just because he's ill, right? He's just asleep, right?"

Nobody responded. The room had fallen silent until Akari began to sob, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks. "Susumu..." she whispered, running a hand through the comedian's black and brown hair. "Who did this to you...?"

As if on cue, Monokuma appeared with the Monokuma File in hand. "Well, isn't this a darn shame!" The bear exclaimed. "Never thought we'd lose two of our tykes at the same time!"

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