Chapter 5: Flawed Punishment - Part 1 (Daily Life)

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~ Ultimate Pokémon Master Akari Hinata's POV ~


"Goooooood morning, everyone! It is now 7am. Let's get up and get ready for another beeeeeeeee-autiful day!"

The day after Orno's trial, things were more silent than usual. The only sounds that could be heard in the cafeteria were footsteps and the sound of chairs being dragged across the wooden floor. Only eight of us remained: me, Niamh, Zach, Angelica, Botan, Jeff, Jordan and Kyle.

Jordan was lightly tapping his fingers against the wooden table, clearly trying to think of something witty to say. He locked eyes with Zach, who was glaring at him from across the table. Angelica was pale and hadn't eaten a thing: she was just staring at the food on the table. Orno's bright blue hat sat on the table next to her.

"So..." Botan began to break the silence. "There should be a new island avaliable to us, correct? Perhaps we should go and check it."

"Why even bother?" Kyle grumbled. "We haven't found anything that could help us get of this island, or anything that tells us who the mastermind is. There just isn't any point."

"We don't know until we try, Kyle." I said. "You're right; there might not be anything helpful for us to find there. But we just need to try anyway."

Kyle stared at me for a few moments before rising from his seat with a sigh. "Whatever you say. I'm going to head over. Anyone else?"

"Yeah, we will." Niamh nodded. The eight of us traveled over to the fifth and final bridge, which was no longer covered up by a gate. I gasped when I caught a first glimpse of the island; it looked pretty technological. Large buildings and metallic constructs were scattered around the island.

"This is... different." Zach commented. "It looks unfriendly, too. Even more so than the third island."

I flinched at the words 'third island', trying to block out the flashbacks that flooded into my mind. I gripped my scarf tighter. "L-Let's just investigate what this island has to offer." I said, hoping that my voice wouldn't tremble. "Then we can decide what to do."

We split into groups of four. Myself, Niamh, Zach and Angelica made up one team, so we began to search the right side of the island. I gasped when I saw trucks and helicopters and even tanks. "What is that place?" I questioned, pointing towards it.

"Seems like some kind of millitary base." Zach observed, running his hand across the side of a truck. "We don't have an Ultimate Soldier at school, do we? They'd find this useful."

"B-Be careful around that thing...!" Niamh stammered. "There's bombs in the back of it...!"

"I'll be fine." Zach shrugged. "We probably shouldn't let Jordan get anywhere near it, though. Knowing him, he'll be more than eager to blow something up with the stuff that's here."

We decided to leave the millitary base alone, as there was practically no use for it, and next came across a large factory adorned with Monokuma's head. My grip on my scarf tightened as I stared up at it.

"I wonder what Monokuma makes here..." Angelica muttered. "There's even a warehouse, but... I get a bad feeling from that place..."

We stepped inside the factory (although I was very reluctant) and saw several conveyor belts transporting hundreds of Monokumas into baskets. "Th-There's more than one Monokuma...?!" Angelica gasped.

Zach shook his head. "Relax. These are just plush versions. This only just further proves how narcisisstic that bear really is..."

"It looks like there's a break room over here," Niamh called. "There's not much in here, though. The only thing I can really see are a few fire extuingishers."

Much to my relief, we left the factory, and it was only once we stepped outside did I notice that I was shaking. The only thing I'll say is that places like that bring back bad memories for me.

The smell of food soon hit our nostrils as we found a large and colourful street; quite the contrast compared to the rest of the island. Food vendors were scattered everywhere. Angelica was practically drooling at one shop.

"R-Ramen...!" She whispered with wide eyes. "They sell ramen here...!!"

"Raw men?" Niamh repeated, frowning in confusion. "Do I want to know what that is?"

"Ramen." Zach corrected. "A soup dish with Chinese wheat noodles, among other things. I've never had any myself, but I hear that it's pretty nice."

"Once we've searched this island, you HAVE to eat here!" Angelica cried. "We all will!"

"Does Jordan have to come along?" I questioned. "He might... I don't know, throw the ramen all over us."

We all laughed and left the street, dragging Angelica by the wrist as she didn't seem to want to leave the ramen shop behind.


To my chagrin, Jordan was stood outside the final building. "The others are already inside," Jordan explained. "This looks like a corporation, a company, of some kind. I don't know what, though. I'm bored of this place already."

"So... you haven't found anything that could give us some clues about our enemy?" I asked.

"Nope." Jordan sighed. "But it doesn't look like you have, either, so-"

Kyle's head poked through the door to the building, interrupting Jordan. There was a big smile on his face. "Hey, guys! We found something! You'll really need to see this!" He cried.

Relief flooding through everybody, we rushed inside. We ignored the sounds of machinery being made in the background and directed our attention towards wherever Jordan was pointing.

"That laptop!" Zach exclaimed. "I remember having it before Toshiaki's case! It just suddenly disappeared, and I never really looked for it after that!"

"I guess the mastermind took it." Niamh deduced. "Is there anything on it?"

Botan nodded. "When we found it, it was open on a document. I've already read through it, but... it's contents are rather alarming."

All of us crowded around the computer, the glow from it's screen reflecting onto our faces, as we read the words that appeared before us.

'Despair Resistance Trials - Overview

Seventeen test subjects have been selected from Class 51-C of Ashbrooke Boarding School. For three weeks, they will be forced into a game of mutual killing. Four motives will be provided for four killings. The purpose of this test is to measure how much mental and/or emotional trauma a young mind can endure before breaking. The expected results are varied.'

"Wh-What the...?" Zach whispered. "Three weeks...? Does that mean... in real time? Outside of the virtual reality?"

"I think so..." I nodded. "But look." I pointed to the section about the motives. "It mentions four motives for four killings. The fourth killing took place yesterday."

"D-Does that mean we can get out of here?!" Kyle yelled. "That means everything here's finished, right?! We can leave!"

"I wouldn't be so quick to assume, if I were you." Jordan muttered, pointing to one of Monokuma's yellow monitors. The bear himself (itself?) was seated there, grinning away as usual.

"Did you guys like that little hint I gave you?" Monokuma asked. "I'm glad to hear it! But... I bet you're still not satisfied, right? Wanting more answers? In that case, get your human butts to the restuarant! I'll be waiting..."

When the image died away, I gulped. What could that bear possibly want now...?


gee i wonder who's going to die next

g ee

b oi

AceAttorneyFan over and out!

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