Chapter 5: Flawed Punishment - Part 3 (Deadly Life)

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~ Ultimate Investigator Niamh Wood's POV ~

I was woken up when I felt my shoulder being shaken violently. "What is it...?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"It's urgent!" I heard Zach's voice reply. I snapped myself awake and sat up, fighting off the feeling of dizziness that pulsed through my head. The others were starting to wake up.

"What's the matter?" I asked, attempting to stand. "Was that surprise thing Monokuma talked about just a prank?"

"I get the feeling that this is the surprise." Zach answered as he hesitantly pointed towards something in the room.

Botan. A blood-covered Botan, with sharp things sticking out of him.

My hand flew to my mouth as I froze. Tears welled up in the corners of my eyes as I glanced away, not wanting to stare at the scene any longer. It was by far the most bloody crime scene we'd been forced to witness so far.


"A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time, which you may use however you like, the class trial will begin!"

We all remained silent, only able to stare as Monokuma appeared on a pile of boxes that were tucked into the corner. "Wow, what a plot twist am I right?" Monokuma guffawed. "Nah, only joking. We all knew he was going to die eventually!"

"B-But how...?" Angelica stuttered. "All of us fell asleep..."

"Ah, but here's the kicker!" Monokuma answered. "One of you woke up while the rest were asleep. They could choose any target they wanted to kill. Botan over there just ended up being the unlucky one!"

"So... the killer's still one of us..." Akari muttered, glancing around. "I suppose you'll be wanting us to gather evidence?"

"Yep!" Monokuma confirmed. "Speaking of evidence, here! You'll be needing the Monokuma File, as always!"

Akari took the file from the bear. Monokuma sighed as it was snatched away from his hands/paws. "Well, I have nothing else to do here." The monochrome bear said with a stretch of his arms. "See ya! Don't wanna be ya!"

He disappeared once again, leaving us alone with only the stench of blood in the air. "I guess we'd better get started." Jordan frowned. "Botan won't investigate his own death, will he?"

I rolled my eyes in response. I knew he was right, but the morbid comment didn't have to be there.


I looked over Akari's shoulder as she tapped the Monokuma File's screen. Botan's autopsy report appeared shortly after.

'The victim this time around is Botan Fumio
Time of death was 11:25am
Cause of death was blood loss due to the stab wounds in the victim's chest and wrists
No other injuries were found'

"W-Was it really necessary to go over the top with the stabbing...?" I questioned. "A single wound to the heart would've been plenty."

"Whoever did this clearly wanted to make Botan suffer." Akari concluded, putting the Monokuma File in her jacket pocket.


We wandered over to Botan himself. To distract myself from all of the wounds that had been inflicted on him, I stared at his face. The shock of the attack must have woken him up, leaving him awake when he passed away.

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