Chapter 5: Flawed Punishment - Part 4 (Deadly Life)

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~ Ultimate Pokémon Master Akari Hinata's POV ~

I snapped out my trance when the elevator doors opened to reveal the fifth, damp-looking courtroom. I was distracted while traveling down here, thinking about home, when the light from the other room brought me back to reality.

"Long time no see, whippersnappers!" Monokuma called from his throne. "Wow, I can't believe how small our numbers have gotten! I'm so used to seeing a whole flood of kids in here, this is actually kind of shocking!"

"Shut up," Jordan grumbled. "I'm getting sick of this concept. We should have been out of here by now."

Monokuma tilted his head slightly. "Should have been out of here by now?" The bear repeated. "What's that supposed to mean, huh?"

"We found a file in a building on the fifth island." Zach explained. "It said that there were supposed to be four motives for four murders. We've already had Toshiaki, Ichiro, Kenta and Susumu, and finally Kazashi. That's four - technically five counting the double killing. There wasn't supposed to be a fifth trial."

Monokuma paused, his frozen expression sending a chill down my spine before he sighed. "Maaaan, I always leave things lying around!" He exclaimed. "Sis would have a heart attack if she found out I let you guys see that document..."

"Sis?" I echoed, my eyes narrowing as I caught on to the suspicious part of his words.

Monokuma became tense - if a robot bear thing could do that at all. "N-Nothing!" He cried. "I didn't say anything! Just get to your places so we can start the trial already!"

"B-But we barely have any evidence...!" Angelica protested, her voice wavering. "How can we do anything if we have nothing to go on?"

"We'll just have to make do with what we have." I replied. "Even in the worst of times, people have to force their biggest smiles."

Angelica blinked for a few moments before nodding, taking her place behind her stand. Glancing around the room made my stomach flip; there were a lot more pictures of people than there were actual people. It really made me think about how far we'd come; just not in a good way.

"Okay, so..." Niamh began, the uncertainty in her voice obvious. "If Monokuma is to be believed, then one of us woke up after the sleeping gas knocked us unconscious. That person killed Botan and then went back to sleep."

"But who ever said that Monokuma was reliable?" Jeff questioned.

"Maybe he isn't, but I don't see how anyone else could be responsible for the killing." Kyle said. "I mean, it's just us left."

"If you're finished, might I present a theory?" Jordan questioned. "It's something that's been on my mind for a while now... and, considering the evidence in this case, I'm leading to believe that it is true."

"Go on." Zach mumbled, rolling his eyes. "Who knows, it might actually be useful."

Jordan ignored Zach and began explaining his theory. "Have any of you ever considered the possibility of a traitor?"

"Traitor?" I repeated.

Jordan paused, his eyes suspiciously lingering on me for a few moments before he nodded. "Right. Someone who knew about the mastermind's plan from the very beginning. In turn for keeping their secret hidden, the mastermind made sure that this person stayed alive for this very moment."

"I object to that!" Angelica cried, pointing towards Jordan very dramatically. "All of us in the class were really close before this happened to mess everything up! We wouldn't do this to each other!"

"You are correct," Jordan admitted. I was suspicious at this point. Just what was he planning. "We wouldn't do this to each other." Jordan continued before turning to me. "So how about someone who appeared out of nowhere, and was very recent to the class?"

The room was still with silence as we processed Jordan's words. "Wh-What are you... trying to say...?" I whispered. "Are you calling me a... a traitor?"

"I'm glad you finally understand." Jordan replied, a small grin on his face now. "It makes sense, right? I mean, with regards to this case, a piece of your precious scarf was found near poor Botan's body. Perhaps, as you were stabbing him to death, he reached out a hand to stop you, and only managed to rip off a piece of that scarf..."

"N-No!" I cried. "It wasn't me!"

"I agree with that!" Niamh yelled. "What reason could Akari have had to kill him?! Earlier, Zach brought up that document we found. It said that four motives were given. There isn't a fifth motive!"

"There doesn't have to be." Jordan retaliated. "A fifth motive wasn't listed because it was... how do I say... spontaneous."

"Spontaneous?" Jeff repeated. "You mean it was a sudden decision?"

"Precisely." Jordan nodded. "The mastermind told Akari to kill Botan. I believe I already know why Akari was told to do so."

"Why, then?" Zach interrogated.

"Remember that other piece of evidence we found near Botan." Jordan continued.

"You mean..." Niamh began. "My necklace. You think... that has something to do with this?"

Jordan nodded. "I do. I think that was placed there to frame you for Botan's murder. After Akari had killed Botan, she had been ordered to plant Niamh's necklace at the scene as evidence to frame her for the crime."

"Y-You're wrong about this!" I yelled, tears beginning to well up in my eyes. "I didn't kill him! I wouldn't dare kill anyone!"

"Calm down." Niamh said. "I never said I believed his theory."

"You think I'm wrong?" Jordan glared. "Then maybe you two are in on this together!"

More voices broke out into argument. Niamh was trying to convince everyone that she was innocent while Zach was yelling at Jordan for even considering that Niamh did anything wrong. I stayed silent, watching Jordan. He was different, acting off. I knew he was a jerk - he had demonstrated that many times - but even more so today. Just what was wrong with him...?

"... Why are you doing this?" I asked, making everyone's voices die down. "Jordan... why?"

Jordan raised an eyebrow in response. "What do you mean why? I just want to find the killer so that this trial is over and done with already."

"That can't be the only reason..." I muttered. I gasped as I suddenly hit upon an idea. What if-

"Okaaaay!" Monokuma called out, cutting off my train of thought, my eyes going wide at his words. "Time's up! Cast your votes! Decide on who you think killed Botan Fumio!"



AceAttorneyFan over and out!

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