(Flashback) School

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Funny thing is we also was in the same elementary school together (but not the same class). So we always hung out during recess. Well not always, I was into playing kickball (game use to be lit), he was into football. No biggie because I kinda forgot about anything during recess. One day I was playing kickball and I got into a fight. No this isn't the part where he beats the dude up for me. I got that covered.

Alright so here's what happened, when we were splitting into teams everyone picked me and and my friend Jim to be captain. So as we were playing some big dude name Kenyatta jumped in to play. Cool no problem we were open to anyone that wanted to play. So he gets on my team and starts assuming the role of team captain. Basically he was throwing the team off, trying to be a ball hog in the process. He eventually caused our team to lose the game and that pissed me off (no I'm not a sore loser).

Then he started yelling at people blaming them for us losing the game. Then he came to me (big mistake). "It's your fault we lost!" He yelled. "Nope that's all you. I don't even know why you're yelling at anyone. You jumped in and thought you were team captain" I yelled back. "I was!" He said. "Said who?" I turned to the team "Who was the captain?" I asked "Mareese!" They answered. "I don't care this team sucked anyway." He stomped off, bumping me in the process. I pushed him and said "You mad because you made the team lost. Get over it. It's just a game. Don't bump me either". He starts taking off his uniform sweater and starts to square up. I walk to my friend Anthony and tell him to hold my bag of candy.

"Reese don't fight him, you're better then that" he said trying to calm me down but it was too late. "Ant either hold the bag or the ground will and I don't care who eats what falls out" I simply reply. He reluctantly holds it, I tell him thank you and walk back to Kenyatta. He tries to swing but misses catching a right hook from me in the process. After that he starts windmilling and I'm laughing to myself because he couldn't be serious. I'm throwing nothing but body, and some facial shots at him. He gets like a good one or two hits on me but I couldn't really feel them.

By the time the schoolyard NTA's came to break things up, we had about 20 minutes left of recess. I look at him and see I left a couple of lumps on him. I checked myself and seen that my shirt was untucked so I tucked it back in. "Anyone want to tell me who started the fight?" Mr Jones (one of the NTA's ask. Almost immediately, everyone blames Kenyatta so I guess you could say I was off the hook. After they take him away everybody runs up to me and says "Wow you beat him up. He for what he deserved". I laughed at them and walked toward Anthony to get my candy.

"Did you eat any?" I ask him "Just a few" he answers. "Reese you OK? You beat him up. You were like boop boop pow" he yells. Ant was like my good conscious sometimes. I laughed and said "Come on we got to line up now."

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