Here Goes Nothing

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  "He texted you and said what?" Lauren asked me the next morning. "He just wanted to meet up. Chill out Laur😂😂". " I think you two should meet up and try to hash things out before they get worse." Jay said. That's surprised me. Normally she's always ready to go. "I don't know y'all."

  "Well did you respond?"  Mark asked. "No I just opened the message.  I'm not responding until we get back. Until then, let's have some fun!" Mark made breakfast while we all debated on what we were doing. "Go carting!" "Movies!" "No, bowling!" "Reese, what do you think?" Joel asked me. Aww damn. "Well I'm in the mood to bowl so I guess that's my choice." "Yes!" Lauren yelled. 

  "Let me text Ty and see if he wants to come. If that's cool with y'all?" I asked. I didn't want to impose 😂😂. "Hell yea bring him. I was just about to ask you that" Mark stated. We went all out for breakfast. Nigga made waffles, pancakes, bacon, eggs, home fries, sausage and some biscuits. "Daaaaaaaammmmmnnnnn chef Mark in the kitchen wit it!" I yelled.

  "You're wife is gonna be lucky as fuck! Women loves men that cook." Lauren yelled. "Cut the chit chat. It's time to eat. A nigga is hungry" Joel demanded. "Not without blessing this meal." Mark rebutted. He blesses his food too. Yup that's one lucky girl right there. After we said our blessings we all went to go get dressed. Mimi couldn't go because her ass had school.

  "That ain't right I should've gotten suspended too. Y'all gonna have in class watching y'all snaps and all that 😑😩." "Too bad maybe next time. Now take yo ass to school. Hurry up that bus is coming!" Jay yelled sounding all motherly. "Welp I'm guessing Ty can't come either. He's already in school." Damn I forgot about that. I sighed "I guess not."

  I really wanted to see him. We just played some music until we were ready to go. 

  *Ty POV*

  I'm low key mad that my baby got suspended because he makes me smile when I come to school. "I texted him and asked him what time they were going bowling. He said around 1-2. That gives me time to call out sick and go get dressed. I'm not gonna tell him though. I wanted to surprise him.

  I just want this day to hurry up man. Can't wait to see him.

  *Rashad POV*

  I texted Reese hoping that we could meet up and squash things. I didn't get a response so I'm guessing he's  still pissed at me. I know I should've talked to him first once I heard all of that but most of the things I heard sounded like things he would say. OK maybe not say, more like think. Shit I don't know that just caught me off guard.

  We still have to talk about our project too. Damn I fucked up big time. When I saw him fucking Theo up, I realized why his mom didn't let him fight like that anymore. His hands are leathal. He can't be me but he sure as hell can hold his ground. His friends were riding too. Damn we could've all been cool. They probably hate me too. I hope he responds to my text..... Shit!

  *Reese POV*

  We were at the bowling alley. We started to divide into teams. "I got Reese!" Mark yelled. "I pick Joel" Jay responded. "These teams gonna be uneven as hell." I said out loud. "I got Lauren. "I hope y'all can take 3 people." Lauren teased. "Whatever. Let's go." I guess that was Jay's way if accepting the challenge. I was up first. Right when I was about to grab my bowling ball, I felt arms wrap around my waist.

  "I missed you." The person said kissing my neck. I turned around to see Ty smiling at me. "I thought you was still in school?" I asked. "I was but I wanted to see you so I left. I really missed seeing your face." No lie, that made me blush. I kissed him and told him I missed him too. I really did though.

  "So now the teams are even. What's up?" Joel taunted us. "Whatever, y'all still going to lose so there's that." I responded. The game was in full swing with us leading by two strikes. Those were made by Mark and Lauren so now I had to win. "Hey baby, your butt is getting smaller. Looks like someone ain't hitting it right" Ty yelled trying to distract me. "It is isn't it? Oh well. Watch me and my small ass win this game though."

  I went and got a strike. "That ladies and gentleman is how you win a game." I yelled as me Mark and Lauren did our victory dance. "Y'all was cheating. Rematch!" Ty yelled. "You was trying to distract me so I know you're not talking!" I laughed. "I'm sorry baby can I get a kiss though? I kissed him and told them to clear the board. While they went to do that, I really had to pee so I went to the bathroom.

  As I was walking to the bathroom, I saw Rashad entering the building. Damn I hope he doesn't see me. I hurried and sped walked to the bathroom. Once I got there, I felt someone grab my arm. " Can we talk please?" Damn I guess he did see me after all. "Umm I have to go to the bathroom, unless you want me to piss on you, I suggest you let me go." He let me go "I'll wait until you're finished."

  Am I really ready to talk to him? *Sigh*

Damn he found Reese 😂

Thoughts on this chapter

We're almost at the end and trust me, it will definitely go out with a bang!

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