School (Part 2)

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  After school was over, Rashad walked up to me. "Was that you fighting Kenyatta?" "You would be correct" I answered. He laughed and asked "Why was y'all fighting?". "He assumed he was team captain, got mad because the team, my team to be exact lost. Jumped in my face and thought it was sweet." I simply stated laughing. "Damn Reese I didn't know you could fight". " I'm not a violent person by nature so yea that's probably why" I laughed. "You coming outside later?" He asked. "Yea I got to finish my homework though." I answer.

  "You always in the books. Just scrap it and come outside". He said. "Shut up Shoddy (his nickname), you know your mom doesn't play either" I answered. "True true. She makes sure I get it done.". He answered. " See you later " I said. "Ard I'll see you we playing tag later" he said. "Ok". I said and walked into my apartment building. Did I mention that we lived in a apartment? No well yea we do lol. 

  "Mom I'm finished my homework". I yelled " Is it done neatly, correctly, and properly?" She asked. My mom was very big on school. That's one thing she didn't play about. Trust me, she DOES NOT play. "Yes mom" I answered. She comes over and checks it "OK you can go but make sure you can come in at 8. No later or that's your ass" she states. Oh one more thing about my mom, she curses in about 90% of her sentences. "OK mom" I hurry up and go out the for before she changes her mind. 

  I went to the play ground and saw Rashad and other kids getting ready to play tag. "Thought your mom would've told you no. You ready?" He said. I deadpanned him and said "Shut up fool". He laughs and we start to play the game. The best way to play tag is at night or when the sun is setting. It makes the game a little bit more challenging. Eventually me and shoddy were the only ones left and he just so happened to be it. 

  " M&M comeout, come out, come out wherever you are" he whispered. I happened to be hiding behind a tree. I turned around only for him to say "You're it" and he started running. I tried to catch him but he knew too many shortcuts so I just gave up and let him win (well he was already safe anyway). By the time we finished the game, it was 8. I told everyone I would see them tomorrow. "You had fun?" My mom asked. "Yea it was fun I almost won" I answered.

  "What game did y'all play?" She asked. "Tag" "One of my favorite games to play. That's good well go wash your hands. It's time to eat" "OK" I answered. I always looked forward to my mom cooking lol.

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