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   *4 years later*

  It's been a minute since I last seen Shoddy.  A lot has happened since then though. Me and Mel still cool (that's my baby) however me and Shawna are on shaky grounds right now. She's letting people get inside her head and manipulate her. I mean I guess that's cool or whatever.  If that's what she wants then fine. I also met a new friend name Jay.  She's mad cool. 

  The one thing that I have noticed though,  I seem to be clicking more so with females then males.  It's actually kinda weird to be honest. It is what it is though. Ant moved back to Costa Rica with his family. That was brother so it was kinda hard for me you know. Quick update, me and Mel don't go to the same school  (kinda sad but it cool). However,  me and Shawna do. You got it?  Ok good. 

 *Monday morning*

  *Beep beep beep* my alarm blared.  I looked at the time, 6:15. I seriously hate waking up this early. Let me hurry up and get dressed before my mom gets up. You see when my mom gets up, all she does is yell. Nobody has time for that especially on a Monday morning. So I quickly hurry up and get dressed before all of that happens.  

  Once I was dressed (which was easy because we wear uniforms at this school . Annoying but I'll go with it.), I poured me a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch and turned the tv on. Charmed was on (that show was lit growing up). "You must've got dressed fast" my mom said scaring the hell out of me. "Ready for your second year of high school?" She asked me. "Well yea I kinda already know what to expect lol. Not hype about the classes. More so to see my friends 😜" I said as I scarfed down the last bit of my cereal.

   My mom smacked me in the back of my heaD "You're such a smartass. You better hurry up before you miss that bus". I looked at the clock, 7:05?!, better hurry up the bus comes in 10 minutes. Thank god I packed everything last night. "Here" my mom said handing me $20. "See I knew you loved me. It's funny because I literally don't ask my mom for mommy and she still gives it to me. I'm not complaining though.  

  "Hurry up and get out so I can go to sleep". Y'all see how she treats me on the morning 😂😂.  

  *At school* 

    "You ready?" Shawna asked me. "Let's meet the new kids lol". To be honest, we had a ton of good looking kids this year. Bad ass females and man oh man, some seriously sexy dudes. I've been attracted to guys for about a year but I don't feel the need to scream that from the rooftops you know? "Do we have any classes together?" We pulled out our rosters to compare. Unfortunately we didn't (I was lowkey kinda glad. I want to meet some new people). 

  We split up to go to our homeroom. I decided to make a quick Facebook status as I walked. Who gives a person homeroom on the 9th floor? Seriously 😑? Me not paying attention,  I bumped into someone. "My bad. Wasn't paying attention " "It's all good". I looked up to see one of the most beautiful smiles in my life. "I'm Ty. What's your name?" "I'm Reese". "Well I'll see you around". 

  Looks like this day has just gotten interesting . Still, I kinda wonder about Shoddy you know? *Sigh* I guess I can't really focus on that right now. Finally I made it to my homeroom. We had to do one of those ice breakers, introduce yourself and say one thing that you like (😑). Soon it was my turn. "I'm Mareese and I love food". Everyone laughed after I said that.  What?  It's true lol. 

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