Weird (End of the Flashbacks)

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"What are you doing here?" I asked. I was low key surprised to see him here. "I transferred here like a week ago". That's would explain why I never seen him around before. "Oh. Well, how do you like it here?" "It's cool. A little strict for me but it's nice." He answered. "Glad you like it. See you around. " I smiled. "You going on the trip today?" He asked. I forgot that we were going skating today. "Yea. I forgot we were going today."

"Well I see you there. Looking forward to dusting you on rink." I laughed. "Your funny Shoddy. You probably can't even skate." He raised his eyebrow and said "We'll see. Now won't we?" I smiled and went back to class. "Ok everyone, the bus is here so pack up and get ready" My teacher Ms.Gibson said.

*At the skating rink*

"Reese we skating right? " Mel asked me. "Yea let's go get our skates." Let's see if I still got it I thought to myself. "What size?" The attendant asked me. I had took off my shoe to find out my size. "7" I answered. "You really had to take your shoe off to find out your size?" Melody laughed. "Shut up. I forgot." I laughed. We changed into our skates and put our sneakers in locker. Mel had the key to that, I'm too forgetful. We headed to the rink. I must admit, this was a little different then skating on the street.

The floor felt super slick so I grabbed the wall to catch my balance. "Don't hug the wall, let's go" Mel screamed. "You've been on a rink before, shut up. I'm just getting my balance right that's all" I was not trying to fall. Nope won't happen. "Hold my hand, and I'll help you". I grabbed her hand and she started skating with me right behind her.
Shortly after that I gained my balance and let go of her hand.

"You good?" She asked. "Yup let's go". The DJ played Remy Ma's whatever and the whole rink was lit. Me and Mel stared dancing while we're skating. Next thing I know, I felt someone tap my shoulder and skate in front of me. "You trying to show off?" I asked Shoddy. "I told you I knew how to skate. You just never seen me". I laughed. "Whatever. Move before you make me fall". He laughed "Race me". "Now?" He nodded his head. Challenge accepted.

"You gonna race him?" Mel asked me "Yea, you know I don't run from a challenge." I noticed that he skated father up so I told me to come with me and do the countdown. "On ya mark, get set, go" Mel yelled over the music and we took off. We were pretty much even with him over there showing off doings tricks and what not. I just was vibing to the music the DJ was playing.

The DJ then switched to Pump it up by Joe Budden (these songs were lit back in the day) and Shoddy went into You Got Served mode 😂😂. He started doing all of these different moves. He had me wondering why I never went to a rink before. I guess you could say that we both forgot about the race and just did our own thing.

Mel caught up to me. "That race didn't last long huh?" I laughed at her. "I guess not. It was fun though" Shoddy then skated past me. I guess he was getting hot so he unbuttoned his shirt. He looked at me then kept skating. "Want to go get something to eat? My feet are hurting." Mel asked.
"Yeah I think my feet either have developing blisters or are numb". We skated toward the exit.

Taking my skates off was a little painful seeing as though I was in the for about 3-4 hours straight. I asked Mel to take my skates back with hers because I really didn't feel like walking just yet. When she came back, she said "How do you two know each other?". "We grew up together. Plus we went to school together" I answered as we walk to where the food was. "What you getting to eat?" I asked her. "You paying thanks cousin. ". I laughed at her "You lucky I love you, that and the fact that I have extra money".

"So what you want fool?". I asked. "Oh yea a slice of pizza and a Pepsi. I forgot.". I order her food and got a burger and fries with a lemonade for myself. 15 min later our food was done. Mel grabbed two trays and put our food on them. We then walked to a table that was near the skating wall (whatever it's called). "Did you like the trip?" She asked me.

"It's cool. This place is nice. Food I'd reasonably priced too" She laughed "I know what you mean". We watched as people skate around the rink. "You got me some fries. Good looking" I turn to see Shoddy eating some of my fries. "I hope on everything that you washed your hands" I was dead serious. "Chill out, I did." He laughed but I deadpanned him. Mel started laughing "You was so serious.". "I don't play when it comes to my food".

Mel was just about finished when the DJ started playing some party music (house music, whatever you call it). "Aye I'm about to go dance, y'all coming?". "I'm going to finish my food and then play some games" I answered and looked at Shoddy. "Yeah I'm coming. Give me a minute". Mel left and went towards the middle of the rink where people were dancing. "So why aren't going to dance with us" Shoddy asked me. "I'm not really in the mood plus I want to play a few games before we leave". I responded. He just looked at me. "What? I'm not lying. Go and get you a few dances. I'm good" I laughed.

"Have fun playing your games. I'm going to find my future wife". "Yea yea yea" I laughed. I walked to the arcade section debating on what I wanted to do first. I decided play some air hockey and the rest was history. "Come on we're getting ready to leaving". Mel told me.

"I saw you over there getting it". I told her. "You should've came over and danced with me". "Next time I will I promise. I just wasn't feeling it today". "You never told me Shoddy could dance. He bagging all of the girls" She gushed. "I guess. That's what's up". I answered. I noticed that Shoddy wasn't around. "Have you seen Shoddy?" "Yeah he just got on his bus". "Oh ok. Thought he got kidnapped or whatever".

That was the last time I saw him...........

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