This is Weird

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" Well? Did you talk to him?" Laur asked me. "No. He was busy. I mean really busy." I answered. "With what?" Mark asked. "Not what but who". "Well damn tell us already. Trynna give us cliffhangers. This isn't all my children." Jay said, making all of us laugh. "Well when I went to talk to him, he was making out with Mira. I didn't want to interrupt so I left them alone. I guess he saw me because he was trying to get my attention but I was over it."

"Oh well I guess he was over the conversation then. So I'm guessing you two are good". "I'm guessing so laur". "Sooooooo have you decided on an answer for Ty?" Damn Jay just reminded about that. I still haven't have Ty an answer. I'm kinda interested to see how this date goes so I'll take him up on his offer. "Actually I just did. I'll accept his offer".

Next thing I know these hoes started being childish. "Ty and Reese sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love, then comes marriage--" "Y'all are so petty. I can't wait until y'all get in relationships. Imma be petty af 😜😜". I really am though. Watch me. "Awww damn. We're just happy for you Bro that's all." Mark said trying to butter me up. "Nah nigga, wait til you and Lina get together. I see you still crushing. "

"Chill. Come on let's get in our seats before somebody takes them." I laughed because he was blushing. He really likes her. I hope they get together soon. Class was pretty chill for the most part. The teacher loves when we're there. Funny thing is Shoddy didn't really say much to any of us. Um ok I guess. When class was over, I saw Ty standing at the door. Weird I thought he had this class guess he had a meeting or something.

He lit up when he saw me. Awwww he really likes me. "We're going to our lockers, you want me to put something in yours while you talk to him?" Mimi asked me. "Yea this history book. Damn thing is breaking my back." "Ok we'll text you or text us when you done". "Got ya". I turned to Ty who was all smiles. "Sooooooo have you reached a decision?" "Yup I'm gonna have to decline".

His face dropped which made me laugh. I play too much I know. "I'm just kidding. I would love to go on a date with you Ty." "Yo you had me nervous af. I thought you really meant no. Imma get you back for that. You won't regret this." I smiled because he was so happy. " I better not or that's your ass 😂😂😂" I was lowkey dead ass serious though. I don't like wasting my time.

"I promise your gonna like it. Um...." He paused. "Go ahead spit it out. You want to ask me something". "Well can I get your number? So I can let you know when I'll be arriving." I know hell be texting me for other reasons but I don't see that as a problem. I'm about to be bae soon so there's that 😂😂😂. "Sure let me see your phone." He saved me under "my baby 😍😘" and put his name in my phone as "future husband 💍".

That was bold of him. I definitely have to see him in this date. "So I'll see you this Friday. Gotta give you time to pick out your clothes. See you later bae." Wait a min dud he just call me bae. Lord take me now because he was about to get the ride of his life right now. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in and sent a text to the group letting them know I was on my way.

They told me they were still at the lockers waiting for me. As soon as I got to them, I knew I made a mistake. "So are y'all going on a date?" "Did y'all exchanges numbers?" "Does he have siblings?" "Did he send you a dick pic?" "Who paying for the date?" "Did you and Shoddy patch things up?" Ladies and gentleman, my friends 😂😂😂. "Well damn let me breathe first. Now to answer y'all questions, yes, yes, no will ask him Friday for you, no too early fo all that, he is duh! Tf I look like? If I'm paying then it's a friendly outing, no I haven't ran into him yet." I responded pointing to each one of them.

"He's been acting weird since earlier. I hope I didn't offend him or anything." "Nigga how the hell you offend him when Ty came up to you?" Joel snapped. "Well damn. I'm just saying. We were talking and I kinda forgot he was there after Ty did all that" "I think you should talk to him" Mimi suggested. "I'll see if I run into him again. Y'all ready to go?"

"Yea let's go. See y'all tomorrow. Reese I'm coming over Friday to help you pick out your outfit" Lauren said.
"Oh no you don't, we all are coming over." Mimi chimed in. "Ok everyone is coming over then." I laughed. "Agreed" they responded and we all went our separate ways. On the way out I saw Shoddy and Mira. "Hey Shoddy, can I talk to you real quick?" I waved so he could see me. He didn't even acknowledge me, he just walked away with Mira.

"What is his problem?" I sighed and walked away. I have a date Friday!

Weeeeerrrrreeeeee back! Next chapter is going to be the date!

Thoughts on this chapter?

What do you like about Ty?



Might post the next chapter tonight if y'all want me to. Let me know

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