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  I guess you could say after elementary school, everything changed. My best friend Ant told me he was moving back to Costa Rica for one. "What do you mean you're moving?" I asked. "My mom thinks it's too dangerous here plus she misses her family down there" he answered. "You can't ask her if you could stay with some family members up here?". "I already tried that. Her decision is final" he said sadly. "I thought we was gonna role middle school together. Guess not huh. I'm not mad I understand. I wish you the best." I smiled even though that was partially true. I was a little mad but it was out of my hands.

  "Thanks man.I wish I could've stayed you know? Try not to replace me OK?" I laughed and said "I won't Ant". After that we exchanged numbers (house phone numbers but you knew that lol) and got in line for graduation. Finding out my best friend was leaving kinda ruined my mood but I couldn't let it. After graduation, I was trying to get pictures with all my friends but I didn't see ant anywhere. I guess he wasn't kidding when he said they were leaving. I didn't expect to be as son as graduation was over. I ended up getting pictures with mostly everyone then I went to the arcade with my mom and sister.

  *New school*

   *Beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*. My alarm went of at 6:15am. " I'm up! I'm up!" I screamed. "First day at this be school" I muttered and got myself ready. "I can't believe she really bought these right after the school sent me a acceptance letter " I laughed to myself as I started putting my uniform on. After that I then went to brush my teeth and wash my face. Backwards, I know. It's just how I operate. After I was dressed and looking presentable, I went to go make some cereal before the bus came. 

  "Excited for you're first day" my mom asked. "No, not really maybe a little nervous thats all" I answered. "Why nervous?". "I just don't know what to expect idk really". " "Your weird." "No I'm not besides you just happy that I won't be in the house for 8 hours". " Fuck yeah! Now I don't have to worry about eating up all the snacks before I can get to them ". I just laughed. My mom's a trip

  "Let me walk you to the bus stop" my mom said. We got ready and went out side to the bus stop. Soon the bus came at 7:20. "Bye have fun at school, see you later" my mom said dancing. She's such a weirdo "See you later" I said and took a seat on the bus. The weird thing is, I haven't seen Rashad after graduation or during summer break. That was weird because nobody said if he moved or anything. Welp I guess he probably did. 

 "Let's see how today goes" 

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