Let's Talk

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*There's Ty*

"Sooooooo what did you want to talk about?" I stared it off. I honestly wanted to know what he had to say. Well what he had to say before I snapped on his ass that is. "Look I know your mad that I basically forgot all about you. Don't lie because I can tell from your attitude alone. Look I can explain. After we went on the trip, I transferred to another school because It really wasn't because of you or anything. After I transferred, I got word that you moved over the summer. I never got your number or anything either so that wasn't exactly helpful either.

"I'm sorry Reese. It's not like I didn't care about you or anything. We bros for life, it's just that everything happened so fast that I barely had the opportunity to talk/see you like that." I just stood there taking it all in. Damn it this whole time I thought it was me when it really wasn't. "You sure it didn't have anything to do with you finding out I was gay?" Oh yea I definitely heard about the tirade that went on after he heard that.

He told everyone we knew to keep me away from him and that he wanted nothing to do with me. "No it wasn't because of that either. I mean was I mad at first yeah. Only because you didn't tell me yourself. I had to hear it from one of my homies. You know them niggas throw salt on any and everything. That's what had pissed me off but at the end of the day, I still saw you as the same person." Well damb, do I have any real reason to be mad?

"That's up to you. Do you have a reason why you're mad at me" he asked with a raised eyebrow. Right before I was about to answer I heard my name being called. I turned around to see Ty smiling at me. "Reese I know your probably annoyed that I keep bumping into you but the way I see it, that maybe a sign. Reese would you like to go on a date with me?"

 Reese would you like to go on a date with me?"

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I was not expecting that at all. I saw shoddy look surprise from the corner of my eye. To saw I was speechless was an understatement. "You don't have to give me your answer right away. I can see that I caught you of gaurd. Just let me know by the end of the day, OK?" I just nodded my head because there was I tried speaking but no words were coming out. I was about to answer shoddy question when I saw that he wasn't there anymore. That was weird.

As I walked back into the cafeteria, everyone was looking at me with anticipation. "So what happened" Mark asked. "Um a lot. A lot has happened. Wow! I still can't believe it". "Sooooooo are you and Rashad cool now?" Mimi asked. I felt Lauren stare at me when she asked that. "I guess you could say that. I'm not really sure. Before I could say what I wanted to say, were interrupted." "By who?" Asked Jay.

"Um, Ty". "Well what did he want?" This came from Lauren. I know she was lowkey pissed at Ty for that. "He's wants to take me on a date?". The whole table went wide eyed and gasped. "You said what now?" asked Jay. "You heard right. He asked me on a date. Damn. Definitely wasn't expecting that." "Neither were we" everyone said at once. "That's my boy. I knew you had it in you." Mimi teased.

"I literally didn't do anything. He just came up and asked me out. Welp there's that." "Sooooooo what's your answer?" Lauren asked. "Honestly, I didn't give him one. He lowkey caught me off guard with that." "Nigga, you better hope on him. He's one of the sexist niggas in this school. Get on it" Joel ratchet ass said. "I'll let him know by the end of the day. That just caught me off guard.

"Well where was Rashad after he had asked you this?" "He was standing right there. Then when I turned around to answer his question, poof he was gone. It was weird Laur". "Well you at least gotta make sure y'all good so find him and talk to him." "I agree with Laur. Just make sure things good with y'all. You know?" "Yea I agree". The bell rung signaling us that lunch was over.

I went to look for Shoddy while we was walking to the next period. I finally found him. It looked like he was busy or something. I was just about to ask him something when I saw him kissing Mira. I guess he noticed me because right when I turned around he called me. "Uh Reese, what's up?" "Um never mind. Sorry if I interrupted." Guess he was busy. Well there's that I guess.


Didn't expect that now did y'all?


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