Chapter 1

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Sylvia de Floresca sat behind her desk, elegantly writing on a sheet of parchment. It was about the Sorceress's Knight Tournament. Five Year's ago, the tournament had taken place in Midgard Academy, the second highest ranked knight school in Terraria. This would be 25th tournament held at Arcadia's Knight Academy since its founding.

Standing beside her, one hand lightly resting on the hilt of his sword, faithfully keeping his silent vigil, was her knight. D'artagnan el Melloi was a middle-aged man with angular features. His face appeared to have been chiseled from stone, further hardened by his intense demeanor. Long bangs framed his face, and a light fringe hovered over eyes of burnished steel.

He wore light armor. His leather jerkin rustled whenever he shifted, dark brown and freshly polished. The shoulder pauldrons, greaves, and vambraces that he'd donned were made of steel, and they shone brightly underneath the light of the afternoon sun, which streamed in through a window at their backs.

She didn't have any duties for him to attend, so she let him stay with her while she worked. One of the things that she appreciated about D'artagnan was his ability to remain silent. Unlike her previous knight, who'd died of old age half a century ago, her current one only spoke when necessary, and he only said as much as was required to get his point across. He was an exemplary knight.

I hope Caspian can eventually become like him.

Thinking of the young man made her wonder what he was up to. Last she'd heard, he had returned home, back to Arcadia's Knight Academy. This pleased her. She didn't enjoy the thought of Caspian being with that wretched woman, Erica, any longer than necessary. She couldn't afford to have the loquacious sorceress sink her claws into him. Caspian belonged to another.

Speaking of which, I should call for Elincia and make sure she has packed everything. We'll be leaving in a few days.

Pressing a button on her intelecom—a new device created by Karen Hildegard—she spoke into the small speaker box.

"Lacy, can you please fetch Elincia for me?"

"Right away, My Lady," came a voice from the other end.

Sylvia leaned back in her chair. While she waited for Elincia to arrive, she returned to her work. Putting aside the report on the Sorceress's Knight Tournament, along with the addendum report about the Sorceress Festival and Parade, she grabbed another paper from the stack on her desk. Glancing at it, she frowned.

Another group of peasants have gone missing in the east. If I am not mistaken, that is near the city of Du'ugton, a rural town located in the mountains.

While missing people were reported in daily, the number of groups who randomly vanished was increasing. She'd had the Sorceress Council send someone to investigate, but they hadn't heard back yet.

Perhaps it would be wise to send another sorceress, but with the tournament fast approaching, I haven't the personnel necessary to designate someone for this task.

"My Lady Sylvia, Duke De'Faclo Genitore is here to see you," a male voice said from her intelecom.

Staring at the object with a frown, Sylvia eventually sighed and pressed the communication button. "Very well. Please send him in."

"Yes, My Lady."

As she waited for the count's arrival, Sylvia turned her attention to D'artagnan. "Tell me about this Duke De'Falco Genitore, please."

Being over one-thousand years old, Silvia could scarcely remember the names of nobles anymore. In truth, she didn't particularly care to. The time of the nobles had ended. Now it was time for the people of Terraria to rule over themselves, and it was the sorceresses job to help oversee the continued peace and prosperity of this continent.

Arcadia's Ignoble Knight: The Sorceress' Knights TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now