Chapter 11

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The tavern was crowded. With evening upon them, this was not so unusual. That being said, Caspian felt like the reason this particular tavern was so crowded had nothing to do with the time of day, but rather, with the two sorceresses sitting beside him.

There were a lot of people visiting this tavern who were too young to drink.

Erica looked as ravishing as he remembered. To say that she looked like sin would have been a grave insult to her, an understatement. Such a word, any single word, could never adequately express the sexuality that oozed from her very being.

Even if she did have a little girl sitting in her lap.

"You're looking good, Caspie," Erica said, her lips tracing an elegant curve that expressed amusement. "It is strange. We have only been apart for little over a month, yet there is something different about you."

"Is that so?" Caspian asked. "Well, you haven't changed at all. You appear every bit as vain as I remember."

"Ufufufu, what claws you've brought out today." Giggling some more, Erica then turned to Elincia, who sat by Caspian's side. "And who is this? Your girlfriend?"

"Um, my name is Elincia, and you are Lady Erica, correct?" Elincia bowed her head. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Elincia. Elincia." Erica let out a thoughtful hum. "Oh, yes. Now I remember where I've heard that name. You are the newest sorceress, if I am not mistaken."

"Y-yes, I am."

Elincia squirmed as Erica's penetrating stare pierced her. Knowing how uncomfortable Erica's stares could be, Caspian placed a comforting hand on his friend's thigh. Elincia relaxed.

This did not go unnoticed by Erica, whose smile was reminiscent of a Cheshire cat. " I see that you two are quite comfortable with each other. Tell me, Elincia, what sort of relationship do you have with Caspie?"

"R-relationship?" Elincia squeaked.

"Yes. Are you two lovers, perchance?"

Caspian was grateful he hadn't been drinking anything, otherwise he would have spit out his drink like the half-elf dressed in the butler suit who was standing behind Erica.

"M-Mistress Erica!" Cassidy squawked.

Cassidy had not changed at all since last he'd seen her. Dressed in the black and white lace frills of a maid, her brown hair and doe-like eyes remained unchanged. Even the way her face turned into a lobster at the slightest innuendo from her mistress was just as he remembered.

Erica laughed at Cassidy's indignant expression, but the man standing beside the maid merely shook his head. "My Lady Erica, please try not to cause Cassidy so much duress. I thought you were going to be supportive of Cassidy's desires."

"I am," Erica said almost dismissively. "I merely enjoy having some fun. Don't ruin it for me."

"As My Lady wishes." The man bowed.

Caspian frowned at the man standing vigilantly by Erica's side. His resplendent armor gleamed crimson in the low lighting, yet a large golden dragon curved around the breastplate, as if to constrict the man wearing it. Gauntlets and grieves covered his forearms and shins, and shoulder pauldrons lent him a well-defined look. His face was youthful, but somewhat gaunt, and his swept back hair possessed hints of gray. A large claymore hung from his back.

"Who are you?" Caspian asked.

The man's jaw dropped and his eyes practically popped from their sockets. "S-surely you jest, Caspian! It's me!"

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