Chapter 31

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Two weeks passed by in a blur for Caspian, who spent almost every waking minute either training with Derek or reading books on tactics in the library. His regime for those two weeks was brutal. Every night, Caspian returned to his bed exhausted, every morning it was a chore to get up, and every spar with Derek ended with his entire body being turned into one, massive bruise.

Despite this, Caspian didn't stop. No, he couldn't stop. He was determined to win the tournament, and so he trained himself until his body was broken and his mind was exhausted. Every. Single. Day.

Caspian woke up early on the day of the tournament. It wasn't because he needed to, but because he was feeling restless. The idea of fighting against strong opponents, against people who were worthy of becoming a sorceress's Knight, excited him. His blood was boiling. What's more, this tournament would decide who became Elincia's Knight—an honor that he wouldn't concede to anyone else.

Today is the beginning of my last days here at this academy.

It had once been said that sadness often permeated the ending of a journey. Caspian didn't know where someone could have gotten that idea, or how anyone could think that way. He was looking forward to the end of his time here. More than anything else, he wanted to be rid of this place, of these halls, of the hatred and intolerance. He'd like nothing better than to leave and never return.

After showering, Caspian went back to his dorm and dressed in his red outfit. He wasn't going to classes today, so he didn't think it would matter if he didn't wear his uniform.

Besides, I can't move well in that thing anyway.

His gloves creaked as he flexed his hand. It wasn't until he'd strapped on his sheath that he realized something was missing.

Why hasn't Christo said anything yet.

Glancing at his roommate's bed, Caspian frowned when he noticed that Christo wasn't in it. That was weird. His roommate was always in bed when he returned from the shower, and Christo always said something immediately after he changed. It was practically a routine by now.

"I wonder where he went to," Caspian muttered before shrugging it off. Christo was likely off getting into trouble, or maybe he was already at the cafeteria scarfing down food. It didn't really matter either way.

Aftering strapping his sword to his chest, Caspian exited the room—


—and nearly ran into Cassidy, who squealed as she tumbled to the ground.

"Cassidy? What are you doing here?" Caspian asked as he held out his hand to her. The young maid blushed, yet that didn't stop her from grabbing his hand and allowing him to pull her up.

"I... Mistress Erica said that I should attend to you today," Cassidy answered in a timid fashion. She was looking at the ground instead of him. Her long bangs covered her face, hiding her eyes from view. "She said that since you're going to be in the tournament, I should make things easier for you by being your maid for today."

"Uh..." Caspian considered the merits of telling Cassidy that she didn't have to attend to him, but if he took her feelings into account, then it was highly likely that she would be upset if he told her no. "Sure, why not?"

"Really?!" Cassidy looked up, her eyes suddenly sparkling like gemstones.

Offering a somewhat resigned smile, Caspian nodded. "Really."

"Thank you! I promise not to get in your way—kya!"

As Cassidy somehow managed to trip over... something, while standing still, Caspian shook his head. This girl really was something else.

Arcadia's Ignoble Knight: The Sorceress' Knights TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now