Chapter 3

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All of Caspian's breath left as he stared at the person standing before him. Long hair that appeared to have been spun from threads of gold gently descended from her head, framing a face that was both familiar yet oh so different. Blue eyes possessing a vivid luster gazed at him, breathing taking in how open they were. She had a small nose and full, Cupid's bow lips, which were a light pink and complimented her pearlescent skin.

"Caspian?" she asked again, taking a step forward. "Caspian, is that really you?"

This was definitely Elincia. She looked different, more mature and elegant, but he'd recognize those eyes and that hair anywhere.


As the words left his mouth, the young woman's eyes brightened, and a joyous smile caused her lips to curl.


She ran at him, and he spread his arms wide open as she leapt into them. Her delightful laugh tickled his ears as he spun her around. His heart felt light, like he was hovering on a cloud. He couldn't believe it. After all this time, after eight years of being apart, he'd been reunited with his best and only friend.

A smile appeared on his face, unbidden as he continued to twirl around with the young woman in his arms. He kept a tight hold around her waist as they spun, as if afraid she would disappear the moment he let go.Yet let go he did, because he wanted to take a better look at the friend that he'd known from so long ago.

He set her back onto her feet and peered into her eyes. Perhaps it was his imagination, but they seemed much brighter than the last time he'd seen them. They were a breathtaking blue. Deeper than the ocean and more vast than the sky, they reminded him of two jewels that contained the vibrancy of celestial bodies.

"Ele," he breathed, feeling somewhat light-headed from all of the spinning. "I can't believe you're actually here. I didn't think you'd arrive for another week, at least."

"I couldn't wait that long to see you." Ele was also breathing heavily, and a light dusting of pink brought color to her pale cheeks. "I wanted to see you sooner."

The smile on her face was so wide, so relieved, that Caspian just knew he was melting. It had been far too long since he'd last seen that smile, though it looked quite different than what he remembered. This smile made his heart feel like it was going to beat its way out of his chest.

"I-is that so? I guess it can't be helped, then."

Caspian tried not to let her know how much her words affected him. He couldn't embarrass himself in front of his only friend.

It was only after he'd finished speaking that Caspian realized something important. He looked down at his arms, which were still wrapped around Elincia's waist. Then he looked at Elincia's hands, which rested on his shoulders. He brought his eyes back to her face, and from the slow widening of her own eyes and the dark blush spreading across her cheeks, she had realized the same thing that he did.

They were still holding each other.

He and Elincia leapt apart, their faces matching colors of red. They looked at each other, then quickly looked away upon noticing that the other person was looking at them.

I need to calm down. It's just Ele. Why do I feel so flustered?

It was even worse than when he'd first met Erica. That woman embarrassed him with her action and words, but she'd never made him feel this self-conscious, never this discombobulated. His heart was a battering ram trying to break free from his ribcage, and his mind continued to replay the last few seconds of his life. It reminded him of how close Elincia had been pressed to him, of how her arms had felt around his neck, of her warmth and the scent of her hair.

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