Chapter 4

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Being in Elincia's presence became easier the longer they were together. Caspian assumed that the initial shock of being reunited with his childhood friend, and then realizing that said childhood friend had gone from being a gangly child to a gorgeous young woman, had worn off.

"Sorry I can't show you around some the shops," Caspian said. "A lot of people have arrived in the city because of the festival, so everything is pretty crowded."

Elincia shook her head. "It's okay. We can always tour the city another time. I'm more interested in spending time with you."

The way Elincia's lips curved upwards was so sweet and pure, the kind of smile that no male would have been able to resist. Caspian certainly couldn't, which lead to him returning her smile.

Having unsuccessfully tried to navigate through the city due to the crowds, Caspian and Elincia left the main avenue, and instead they walked around until their wanderings took them to a small park.

A cornucopia of colorful flowers lined the grassy field, beautiful and fragrant, their scent invading the mind and stimulating the senses, leaving only a gentle calm in their wake. Large bonterra trees lined either side of the cobblestone path, upon which he and Elincia tread. Park benches were interspersed throughout the park, situated on either side of the path, which was wide enough to fit at least twenty people walking shoulder-width apart.

He and Elincia walked side by side. They were no longer holding hands. Elincia walked with a casual grace, her hands clasped behind her back. Caspian felt graceless by comparison.

She no longer wore the bulky cloak, revealing that, underneath the large article of clothing was a white gown. It was a one-piece dress. The sleeves were long, but they were cut through the middle halfway down her wrists, allowing them to elegantly flow out like streamers as they traveled past her hands. Gold embroideries lined the hems, and she wore a purple sash around her waist. A pair of sturdy yet elegant brown boots kept her small feet protected.

Caspian knew it was wrong of him, but as he observed his childhood friend, he couldn't help but notice all of the physical changes that she'd undergone. He observed the gentle swell of her breasts, which confirmed that Elincia had, indeed, blossomed into a young woman since they'd been apart. The dress revelled in the slimness of her waist before flaring out around her hips and shapely derriere. Seeing her like this made his throat feel strangely parched.

"Caspian?" Elincia asked, startling him.

"Wha—um, yes?"

"Are you feeling okay? You've been staring off into space."

"Oh... yes, I'm fine. I was just noticing that, well..."

When Caspian trailed off, an inquisitive Elincia spun around until she was in front of him. Now walking backwards, she leaned forward and stared into his eyes.


"Ah, no, it's just that..."

"What is it?"

Caspian knew that he was blushing, but he could do nothing to stop it. "Ele... you've really... grown up..."

Elincia's eyes widened as she quickly cottoned on to what he meant. "Oh." Her cheeks lit up again. "T-thank you."

She turned around, presenting her back to Caspian as they walked. At first, he worried that he'd said something wrong. However...

"I think you've also become quite... handsome," she said, still not quite looking at him.

"I-is that so?"

"Um." Elincia nodded.

Caspian absentmindedly scratched at his cheek. He was beginning to hate himself. Just when things had become less awkward, he had to go and say something stupid.

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