Chapter 13

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Caspian was feeling twitchy. It might have had something to do with how everyone was staring at his companion, or it might have been his companion. Either way, Caspian felt like slamming his face against his desk.

"U-um, excuse me, Ms. Erica..." the teacher tried to say, but Erica interrupted him.

"Uh uh uh." Erica wagged her finger back and forth as if she was chiding a young brat. "It's not Ms. Erica. To you, peon, it is Lady Erica or Mistress." Her benevolent smile dripped with condescension. "Do remember to address me properly in the future."

Caspian snorted into his hand, trying to stifle his laughter. Elincia gave him a pout, as if to show how displeased she was by his immaturity, but he really couldn't help it. While he agreed with her that revenge wouldn't solve anything, and he wanted to be a person who she could proudly proclaim was her virtuous Knight, he still didn't like these people. Seeing them brought down a peg was amusing.

I'm sorry, Ele. I truly don't want to like this, but it's just too funny.

Elincia huffed at him as if she could somehow read his mind. Sitting on his other side, Christo cackled like a madman

"Oh, spirits. This lady is a freaking riot." He grinned at Caspian. "I can't believe you never told me about her."

Caspian tried not to smile. He really did, but it was so hard. His lips were twitching of their own volition. "I'm not one to kiss and tell."

"Heh, don't I know it."

"O-oh, yes, of course, Mistress Erica," the old man said, and Caspian began twitching some more when the man blushed underneath Erica's stare. He looked like a young man who'd just had his dream of being harshly scolded by his teacher fulfilled.

Masochists. Every guy over the age of twenty-five is a complete masochist!

Caspian swore to himself right then and there that he would never become a masochist like these people when he grew up. Even if armageddon came and the only way to save the world was for him to become a submissive jerkwad who got off on being degraded, he would refuse and let the world burn. He wouldn't become like these cretinous little drawgers.

Class continued. The instructor was teaching them about the Dwarven Wars. Caspian imagined he was trying to impress Erica with his knowledge, but he could tell it wasn't working. The sorceress nicknamed the Succubus did not look the least bit pleased.

"The first Dwarven War started immediately after the Goblin Wars, in which humanity helped the dwarves destroy the goblins by killing their king. Cecelia el le Blanc, a representative of the Sorceress Council and a powerful sorceress in her own right, had acted as an emissary to the dwarven people. It was our hope that our two races could form a beneficial alliance. But it all ended when Cecelia--"

"Lady Cecelia," Erica interrupted.


"It is not Cecelia, or Cecelia el le Blanc." Unlike last time, where Erica appeared teasing and mischievous as she reprimanded him, this time she looked angry. Her face was marred by a scowl, and her eyes glowered like a vicious animal. "You will address Lady Cecelia with the proper title."

"Y-yes... o-of course," the man stumbled over his words. "M-my apologies, Mistress Erica."

Erica glared some more before, ever so slowly, nodding and leaning back in her seat. Sitting right next to her, Tiffania tugged on Erica's sleeve. "Big Sis Erie, are you okay? You seem angry?"

The tender smile that Erica gave Tiffania seemed out of place after such a violent reaction.

"I'm fine, Tiffa." Erica gently petted Tiffania's head, causing the girl to giggle. "Please continue with your lecture, instructor."

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