Chapter 43

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Tiffania eventually cried herself to sleep. Once that happened, Caspian left the sewers, traveled up the flight of rickety stairs, and then exiting via a rusty old door.

The sewers ran through the entire city. They were a series of interconnecting channels that created a network similar to a maze. Several access points allowed one to enter the sewers, though people normally required a key.

This particular access point didn't require one because it was usually the place where a lot of criminal activity was conducted. It had been left this way on purpose, because the Peacekeepers of this city had been bribed to keep quiet.

Headmaster Stratello probably knew about this. He was likely keeping quiet because he knew that it was easier to keep an eye on criminal activity if one knew where it was being conducted. At least, that was what Caspian assumed.

Carrying Tiffania in his arms, Caspian held the girl close as he walked up a set of large stone steps. The area opened into a somewhat narrow alley that was still much larger than the enclosed sewers had been. It was mostly abandoned. Only a few homeless people were present on the streets. They sat against the walls, their knees curled into their chest, and their heads hanging down. Caspian ignored them as he walked resolutely through the alley.

The darkening sky cast a dim palor on the world. Shadows stretched out before him like tendrils reaching out to grasp the intangible. It was nearing nighttime. Caspian had not realized how late it was. Discovering the location of Tiffania and fighting those thugs must have taken more time than he'd realized.

Eventually making his way onto the main road, Caspian merged into the traffic, seamlessly blending into the crowd. No one gave them a second glance. Perhaps they only saw a young man carrying his tired sister, or something to that effect.

Entering The Boar's Hat, Caspian immediately made for the stairs, weaving between tables and patrons.

"Hey!" the bar owner called out. "Ain't you that Caspian kid?"

"Yes," Caspian replied. Tiffania stirred in his arms. "Is that a problem?"

"Naw, no problems here. That sorceress is out looking for ye, though. Said that I should tell you to wait in her room if you stopped by."

Well, that was different from the standard reaction. This guy normally responded with insults and taunts. That said, Caspian should probably count his blessings and not comment on this newfound respect that he was being given.

"Thank you," Caspian said as he made it to the stairs and walked up. The wooden floorboards creaked beneath him as he ascended the stairs, which opened into a long small hallway. His feet thunked dully as he strode along wooden panels, eventually reaching Erica's room.

Erica had given him a key several days back-for emergencies, she'd told him. He used that key to unlock the door and walk in.

Collafloore was inside. The boy's face was drawn, worn, as if he'd run himself ragged. When Caspian entered, his head shot up and he stared, wide eyed and mouth agape.

"C-Caspian! You found Tiffania!" he shouted.

Tiffania whimpered, her grip on Caspian tightening. He sent the other half-elf a mild glare and said, "be quiet. I'd rather not wake her right now, especially after what she's been through."

"Oh... sorry," Collafloore lowered his voice to a contrite whisper.

Caspian moved over to the bed and tried to set Tiffania in it-tried because he failed. The moment he attempted to set the girl down, her grip on him tightened. He tried to pull her off, but it didn't work, as the little half-elf had gotten a good hold of him and wasn't letting go.

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