Chapter 46

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Caspian sat on the ground, staring at the unconscious Gustav with what must have been a stupid look on his face. He didn't really understand what was going on. Even though he'd heard Instructor Murdok's words, it took him several seconds to truly comprehend them.

I... won...?

As he sat there, trying to come to terms with his victory, someone began clapping. Craning his neck, he saw Elincia, Erica, Derek, Sylvia, and old man Stratello clapping for him alongside the other sorceresses and foreign dignitaries. While the clapping started in the viewing box, it didn't end in the viewing box. Like a wave it spread through the crowd, until everyone was clapping.

Huh? What?

Why were these people clapping? Sure, he imagined some of them might, but most of the people here were from Axium. They knew who he was, and they didn't like him. Shouldn't they be jeering for him instead?

"They're excited by the good showing you put on," Instructor Murdok answered his unasked question.

"But... shouldn't everyone hate me?"

"It's true, some of these people probably do hate you, but they're too swept up in the good fight you put on to care about something petty like hatred. Can you stand up?"

"Um..." Caspian tried to climb to his feet, only to realize that his legs weren't working at all. "No, it doesn't look like I can."

Instructor Murdok sighed. "Hold on while I call for a medic—"

"That won't be necessary," Erica said as she waltzed onto the arena floor. "My knight and I will take care of Caspie."

"Erica? Derek?"


"What the—oof!"

Caspian wondered why he was suddenly staring at the sky. It wasn't until he tilted his head and saw dark hair that he realized why.


Grinning with childish delight, Tiffania looked up at him. She was lying on his stomach, having bodily tackled him to the floor. She sat on top of him, her grin widening until it forced her eyes closed.

"That was really cool! You're so strong!"

"Well... thank you," Caspian said groggily. He must have hit his head on the ground, because it felt like something was broken. "Could you please get off me now?"

"Up we go, Tiffa dear." Erica picked the girl up by the armpits and set her on the ground. "Caspie is injured, you know. Sitting on him like that is probably making his injuries worse."

True. His wounds did feel more aggravated than before. He chalked part of that up to the adrenaline wearing off, and the numbness from being zapped by magical lightning vanishing.

"Sorry," a contrite Tiffania apologized.

"It's fine," Caspian sighed. He didn't have anything against the girl. She was a little excitable, but she kinda reminded him of Elincia when they were younger.

"Come along, Caspie," Erica said as Derek slung one of Caspian's arms around his shoulder and hefted him off the ground. Caspian felt shame as he was forced to lean on Derek, his feet practically dragging against the rocky surface.

"Up ya go," Derek grunted.

"Thanks," he mumbled.

"You're welcome."

As Caspian was dragged off the arena, a group of medics came in bearing a stretcher, which they loaded Gustav onto. He didn't see where they took the other boy. Descending down the stairs, he was half carried into the waiting room where a nervous Cassidy stood.

Arcadia's Ignoble Knight: The Sorceress' Knights TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now