Chapter 22

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Derek half-carried Caspian as the procession of sorceresses continued, following the group at a slow pace. Beside them, Erica walked with the sensual elegance befitting her title of Succubus.

Their destination was a mansion that was situated near the heart of Axium. Built with plain columns, flying buttresses and a red tiled roof, the mansion managed to look ostentatious without appearing overly gaudy.

The inside was every bit as nice as the outside. It wasn't lavish, but the limestone tiles gleamed with fresh polish, and the walls, a combination of brick and wood, gave off a warm glow within the yellow light of spirit crystals.

Sylvia noticed his presence, finally, as if just now realizing that he'd been with them this whole time.

"You should be getting back to the academy," she said.

Caspian shook his head. "I'm staying with Elincia."

"Your worry for your friend is understandable, but you must think objectively. No danger could befall Elincia while she is here. Five sorceresses plus all of our knights are currently taking residence here. I daresay that Elincia is more protected here than she is anywhere else."

Sylvia didn't understand. He needed to be here, with his friend. Even if this place was the most secure mansion in all of Terraria, he needed to be with Elincia.

"I'm still staying."

Sylvia's lips turned into a barely noticeable frown. He'd seen this look before. It was the one that she gave him and Elincia when they were younger—usually right after they'd done something that she thought was reckless. The last time he'd seen it, he and Elincia had been kidnapped by slave traders.

"Why not let the boy stay, Sylvie," Erica interrupted, her amused smile hidden behind her delicate fingers.

Sylvia frowned. "It's Sylvia, and he cannot stay. Caspian Ignis del Sol is still a member of Arcadia's Knight Academy. As such, it is imperative that he follow protocol and return to his dorm. He has already stayed up well past the allotted curfew."

"You see, that's the problem with you, Silvie. You're always talking about following protocol and how we all need to 'obey the rules' and such. Why must you be such a stick in the mud? You need to lighten up."

Caspian had lived with Sylvia for nearly five years before enrolling in the academy. In that time, he'd rarely ever seen her display as much emotion as she was now—or rather, he'd never seen her display such a complete lack of emotion. Sylvia rarely let what she felt show on her face, but the expression she had now could have frozen over Tartarus, it was so cold.

"You are one of the most difficult people I have ever met," Sylvia said.

"And you're one of the most annoying that I've ever met," Erica returned fire.

As the two sorceresses traded barbs back and forth, Caspian wondered about the relationship between these two. Was this a common occurrence, this almost childish arguing? They seemed to dislike each other with a fervent passion.

"Are they always like this?" Caspian wondered out loud.

"More or less," Derek said.

"Actually, I think they're acting pretty tame right now," one of the Nueva twins interjected. Caspian noticed that her hair was shorter than the other twin's, and it was done up in looping braids.

He raised an eyebrow. "You call this tame?"

"For them? Yes."

"I see." Caspian looked back at the two arguing sorceresses.

Arcadia's Ignoble Knight: The Sorceress' Knights TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now