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Maddie's POV

Trump won the Presidential election.

Even a day after the results were announced, the fact still hadn't stuck in my head.

Donald Trump is the President of America.

I scrunched my nose up in disgust as I sat down on my couch, grabbed a bowl of chips and a remote and turned on the TV.

"I seriously can't believe he won!" My friend Rylee scowled.

"I know!" April sighed. "So many people loathe him at our school alone...just think about how many people probably hate his guts in the entire country!"

"And today, President Trump comes in for his first interview as our Chief Executive," said the cheery voice of an announcer on TV.

"Change the channel!" Julie snapped. "I really don't want to see his face right now!"

"Yeah," I nodded, picking the remote up from beside me and pointing it at the TV. But, seconds before I could put on a different channel, the lights went out.

Looking out the window, I realized that it wasn't just my house. Every house on my street had gone dark. I could've dismissed it as just an ordinary power outage, but there was one problem. TV's don't work during power outages, and my TV was still on.

The anchor looked up and gasped as the lights in the studio too went out, and Trump sat across from her, smirking.

"There is no need to be alarmed, citizens of America," Trump said slyly. "This nationwide power outage, with the exception of your TV's, has been planned by me and my associates. So has your inability to change the channel or turn off the TV."

Furious, I punched various buttons on the remote to test his statement. None of them worked.

"See? We told you that dude was going to start World War III," Rylee spat.

"I don't think this is World War III..." I trailed off, pointing to the screen, where Trump pulled out a piece of paper.

"Right now, I know you're thinking that the government doesn't have the power to do something like this. The old government of America didn't. But, the new government of Trumperica does!"

"What is he talking about?" I hissed, but my friends only shrugged.

"My victory has been planned for months, and I've placed a few hundred key individuals in each of the branches of government, to undermine the system. The three branch system of government, the US Constitution, and America itself were abolished yesterday. And no, you can't sue me, because under the new law of the land, the Constitution of Trumperica, everything I've done is perfectly legal," Trump grinned crazily.

"Ah, and speaking of that Constitution, none of you have ever seen it! I will take the liberty of showing it to you."

Trump's face disappeared for a second and and a white page appeared on the screen.

The Constitution of the Republic of Trumperica

1. There is one branch of Government. Trump.

2. Trump controls all.

3. Society will be divided into three circles based on financial status, skill, and loyalty to Trump.

4. There is no judicial system. Members of the highest circle, Trumpists, will deal out justice as they see fit.

5. Any powers not listed in this Constitution belong to Trump.

"Excuse me for it's brevity," Trump returned. "It was written in a hurry. Anyway, remember now that unless you're a Trumpist, you know who you are, you don't have any rights anymore. Hate to break it to you, but this is the beginning of Trumperica!" He bellowed, before the TV went silent and the lights flickered back on.

Almost instantly, holographic cards appeared in front of our faces. Each read "Moderate Circle."

"Welcome to District 12, everyone," Rylee grinned sarcastically.

"I know right!" I grumbled. "Wouldn't be surprised if Trump started the Hunger Games sometime soon."

I immediately felt a small zap and my card, which had settled itself over my head beeped and glowed red for a second.

"Negative speech about the supreme President of Trumperica detected. Noted."

"There's no way this technology exists," I shook my head. "This stuff's supposed to be in sci-fi, not in 2016!"

"Well, Trump is a billionaire. Wouldn't be surprised if he was hoarding rocketships in his basement."

"True," I grumbled. "So no more Trump more Trump Dump!"

"Word 'Trump Dump' detected," my card said. "Cardex would like to remind Maddie that, under the laws of the Trumpists, it is now a felony to own or play Trump Dump."

"How do you take this thing off!?" Rylee yanked at her Cardex, but it didn't move.

"Cardex would like to remind Rylee that all members of Moderate and Lowly circles are required to have Cardex on at all times."

"This is not good," I sighed.

A/N: #letsdumptrump

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