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*Picture of Julie above*

Rylee's POV

"Do you think they'll shoot us too?" Julie asked fearfully as the three of us followed Dr. Powers through the dusty streets of the Lowly Camp. 

"Not if we lay low and do what they say," I said, more to allay my own fears than Julie's. 

"Ooh!" I heard a loud whistle and turned around to see a guy who looked to be in his early twenties standing in front of one of the muddy brick buildings in a threadbare brown shirt and cargo pants. 

"Look! Steve! Rick!" He called, and two other men stepped out of the shadows. 

"More newbs! How fun!" One of the other men- either Steve or Rick- jeered. 

"Yeah! Look at the scrawny little things," the other let out a raspy laugh. "Won't last a day in 'ere!" 

"Got that right," the first man guffawed, and they began to laugh. 

"Sup, Doc," he waved sarcastically to Dr. Powers as she passed by, and she returned it with a deathly glare. 

"Ignore those three," she said apologetically, turning to us. "They're nothing but trouble. Think they're special because they were some of the first ones here. Not everyone at this camp is like that, though. You're sure to meet lots of nice people." 

"Something about that Dr. Powers makes me think she wouldn't care if those three guys dragged us behind a building and beat us up right now."

"I know, but she said not everyone here is like them," I shrugged. Optimism is never a bad thing. 

"Alright, these are your dorms," Dr. Powers gestured to a set of two brown buildings, identical to those that filled the rest of the camp. "Go on and get inside, choose your rooms. I don't care who's in what room as long as there's three to a room."  

April, Julie, and I followed the crowd of new Lowlies up the stairs into the building, which looked even worse on the inside than the outside. 

Every time I took a step, the floorboards creaked, as if any second, the hardwood planks were going to give. 

We ended up getting a room on the top floor, with the longest climb down to the only bathroom, because we weren't exactly the strongest or the fastest of the new Lowlies. 

"This place is tiny," April sighed as we stepped inside, looking around the small room. There was barely enough room in the cramped area for three metal-framed cots and a chest which held three sets of clothing and underwear for each of us. Seeing how they didn't even bother to check our sizes, we short sixteen year olds were probably going to have a problem with the length of our pants the next day. 

"Cardex would like to relay a message to Rylee from Dr

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"Cardex would like to relay a message to Rylee from Dr. Powers," my Cardex said. "All STCC residents please come downstairs for dinner and briefing. 

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