The One

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Maddie's POV

I stood at the intersection the letter had told me to wait at, my hands stuffed into the pockets of my velvety black jacket to protect me from the chilly wind. 

"So, you decided to show up," A girl in a red hoodie turned the corner, approaching me. Pulling the hood off her head, she showed her face. It was Leah. 

"Hey Leah," I smiled. "Are you know..." 

"The Intelligence? Yeah," she beamed. "I'm a member, you can say it. I'm actually here to take you to HQ." 

"From here?" I asked, looking confused. 

"Yep!" Leah grinned, running over to a nearby manhole and heaving the cover off. 

"State your credentials," droned a mechanical voice from inside the sewer. 

"Leah Meredith Summers, Intelligence member," Leah yelled down into it. "And one guest!" 

"Access granted," said the mechanical voice. I gasped as glass rose out of the ground, surrounding both me and Leah in transparent boxes. With a giant whoosh, the street caved in and we began to slowly descend underground. The street fixed itself above us and the cover slid back onto the manhole, leaving us in complete darkness. 

A few seconds later, lights flickered on, revealing the huge metal tube we were in. We hit the bottom with a thunk, and the boxes we were in dissolved. We were in some kind of holding chamber, with steel walls and floors. 

"Leah! You're here!" One of the panels in the chamber's wall slid away, and a cheery looking girl with reddish brown hair and glasses stepped through the opening. 

*Picture of Selena*

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*Picture of Selena*

"OMG, is that Madeline Udana!?" The girl squealed. 

"Yeah," Leah nodded. "I know, she's finally here! Maddie, this is Selena. Selena, Maddie." 

"Hi Selena," I smiled, shaking the girls hand. 

"I'm so excited!" Selena grinned. "The Head Trumpist has been talking about you since forever!" 

Leah and Selena led me through a long hallway filled with young Trumpists carting equipment around and darting from room to room, scribbling on their notepads. They all looked very serious and purposeful. 

Finally, we reached a tall door of rich wood which bore a golden plaque. Head Trumpist Summers was etched into the metal. 

"Leona!" Leah yelled, banging on the door. 

"Huh?" The door swung open and a young girl who looked like a smaller version of Leah stepped out. I recognized her as Leticia, the youngest Summers sister. 

"Letty? What are you doing here?" Leah raised an eyebrow. "Where's Leona?" 

"She's busy," said Leticia. "Do you need something?" 

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