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Hey everyone, it's Saralee! (A.K.A the author of Trumperica, co-author of A Small Loan of a Million Dollars, and author of the Books of Lessaenes series!)

I just wanted to say thanks for reading this dumb book, and to tell you that I've written ANOTHER dumb book!!! Wanna know how this all started? Check out Trumperica: The Prequel!


Leona's POV

"What do you plan to do now, Head Trumpist?" Diana asked, concern evident in her voice. "Operation Trump Dump is gaining ground. According to our informants, they have even chosen their Eagle! At this rate, they could soon be a threat to us." 

"You need to relax," I laughed confidently, leaning back in my black leather chair. "There's absolutely no way they could come close to us. They may have their new Eagle, but we have Maddie Udana, one of the smartest sixteen year olds in the country! And, most of our senior members are experienced politicians. What do the Trump Dumpers know about politics? Nothing! The entire structure of their organization is literally based on dystopian novels!" 

"I suppose you have a point there," Diana smiled. "Although, it would be good to be careful." 

"Of course I'll be careful," I waved my hand dismissively. "Almost every dictator's downfall is carelessness and underestimation. Just look at Napoleon...and soon, Donald J. Trump. I won't make the same mistake."

"Wonderful! In that case, I'm looking forward to being your Vice President, Head Trumpist Summers!" 

"Excuse me?" Maddie slowly walked through the door of my Intelligence office, pausing quickly when she saw Diana. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Am I interrupting?" 

"Not at all," I smiled. "Sit down," I gestured to the second chair across from where I was sitting, right beside Diana. 

"Selena told me you wanted to see me," Maddie said as she pulled out the chair, sliding into it in one smooth flourish. 

"Ah, yes," I nodded. "It's about time we start talking about the logistics of the assassination. Does July 4th sound like a good objective date to you? That way, you'll have about a month to prepare." 

"July 4?" Maddie burst into laughter. 

"Is it too soon?" 

"No, it's good," she placed her hands in her lap, composing herself. "It's just so ironic. You want me to free America...on Independence Day." 

"Exactly," I grinned. "That's why I chose that particular day. Also, Trump is going to New York on the second, and he's going to be staying there for a week. He can't neglect his business just because he's President, you know. The security in Trump Tower is slightly less tight than the White House security, so that will make your job easier." 

"So I scaled a model of the White House fifty times for no reason?" Maddie shook her head incredulously. 

"I'm really sorry," I shrugged. "I honestly had no idea he was going on this trip until yesterday. But, when I heard about it, I knew it would be the perfect opportunity." 

"Alright," Maddie nodded vigorously. "On July 4th, America shall gain its liberty...again." 

Or rather, America will finally belong to me!

Maddie's POV

I skipped out of Leona's office excitedly, rushing into the lobby of Intelligence Headquarters to tell Selena and Leah the good news. 

"Guess what?" I gushed. "I'm going to assassinate Trump on July 4th!" 

"Oh my gosh, that's hilarious!" Leah snorted. "Our country's biggest menace dies on our country's biggest day!" 

"It's not our country's biggest day anymore," I sighed. "Trump banned all Fourth of July celebrations last year, remember?" 

"I know, but soon, the Fourth of July will be an even bigger celebration!" Selena smiled dreamily. "It'll be the day the Declaration of Independence was signed, and the day Maddie Udana assassinated the evil tyrant Donald Trump and brought America back!" 

"Yeah..." I nodded in feigned careless excitement as worry bubbled up from the pit of my stomach. 

All of these people were counting on me...what if I failed? What if I fell, had to run away, or worse, was caught? 

I tried not to think about that possibility as I waved goodbye to my friends and exited the Intelligence, preparing to go back to my apartment. After all the stress of the day, I needed a good night's rest more than ever. 

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